The sword like the cold brightness, the arm of Hu Song drops on the ground, but also in the unceasing beat, the Hu Song binocular hyperemia, he stares the big eye to look at own arm, that feeling besides the litigant, nobody can understand that Hu Song has a dream probably cannot think courage actually such big of Jiang Chen, will dare to work as these many Inner Disciple grounds to cut an arm, was simply bold.
Hu Song did not have the mood to consider that now the courage of Jiang Chen, he lost an arm, will lead a pious life to him in the future will definitely have the influence, even if Battle Emperor cultivation is, has not broken the arm rebirth the ability, perhaps the excellent future will therefore be ruined, this is Hu Song most is unable to accept.
Other people turn very quiet not to dare to speak, stares the big eye to look at Jiang Chen, the sharp sword in his hand, this is really a full ruthless person, said the hand to get rid, a leeway did not give, offends this kind of character, was really a very fearful matter.
In fact, passes slaughtering that passes the night, Nebula Sect Inner Disciple looked, Jiang Chen is a full ruthless person, anything has not been he does not dare to do, if not because Hu Song is the relations of Nebula Sect Core Disciple, perhaps now is the deceased person, even if so, Jiang Chen wanted his arm to treat as the penalty.
„Was too ruthless, Hu Song then may consider as finished, he not only broke an arm today, will also receive making a false counter-accusation of taboo class Medicine Pill, will make his situation very awful, cultivation to some to is the influence be more enormous.”
„I thought that this is gets what one deserves, usually in Nebula Sect rampant infinite, today wants to bully Jiang Chen, has not thought that kicked the sheet iron, not only has not bullied, instead the loss was serious, I can conclude, if were not here person are too many, Hu Song died in the river Senior Brother hand.”
„That also used saying that river Senior Brother looked slaughters the decisive character, treated the enemy to get rid to be never ambiguous, Hu Song broke an arm to calculate that his good fortune, did not cross the river Senior Brother not to enter Zong Men to injure Zong Mennei the talent disciple, has waited till Zong Mennei, perhaps will have certain trouble.”
„Who knows that but when the time comes I can testify to river Senior Brother, is Hu Song threatened must first kill him, hand that river Senior Brother moves, but wanted a Hu Song arm, is very cheap he.”
The Jiang Chen powerful has struck root in the hearts of the people, the ruthless spicy method does not let off Hu Song, this is also Jiang Chen, if changes into other people, a newly arrived disciple, comes up to cut the arm of list first talent, this was simply lawless.
„Jiang Chen, you, you dare to cut my arm unexpectedly, I and you am unable to co-exist.”
Hu Song clenched jaws, wishes one could eating uncooked Jiang Chen, he never so hated a person.
„Said one again, I want your another arm.”
The Jiang Chen expression does not have the least bit sentiment, the words that but he spoke, bring unable to be questioned that Hu Song I do not doubt, if dare to say one again, Jiang Chen will cut the direct another arm.
Even if his Hu Song is indignant, this moment person under eaves, does not dare to speak a few words again, turned head to leave, some disciples followed Hu Song to depart, these before followed these disciples who Hu Song came together, looked at Jiang Chen, were a sigh, afterward also trod departed spatially, Demon Beast was cut to kill, they did not have what meaning here, but they actually know that later Nebula Sect was very perhaps difficult to be tranquil.
„Brother, the fellow must kill you wholeheartedly, to clenching jaws that you hate, how you do not kill him.”
Zuo Ling Er incomparably indignant saying.
„Sister Zuo, river Senior Brother this is for later consideration, you after all have not been able to calculate the true Nebula Sect disciple now, if gets rid to kill Hu Song now, the consequence is hard to imagine, now river Senior Brother cut a Hu Song arm, has waited till Zong Mennei, feared that will have not the small trouble.”