1. Ms. Katherina Bernadette A. MOREL of English River, Mahe, Seychelles (NIN 985 0287 1 0 15 & Seychelles passport No: N0088535), as the Fiduciary of the Unit with the specific power to charge the Unit in favour of the Seychelles International Mercantile Banking Corporation Limited t/a Nouvobanq (hereinafter the “Bank”) to secure the repayment by us, the co-owners of the Unit, of a loan in the sum of United States dollars five hundred and eighty one thousand (US$ 581,000/-) or in such other sum that the Bank will advance to us as borrowers under a facility agreement entered into or that we will enter into with the Bank and in this connection to execute all such instruments and to do all such acts, matters and things as may be necessary or expedient for carrying out the specific power hereby given PROVIDED that upon the execution of the said Charge, this appointment shall ipso facto be revoked