CEC Collaborate with Songkhla Marine and communities request and Coastal Resources office support CSR campaign in environmental program that is “Artificial Reef Restoration Project and Releasing Young Marine Animal Project” The objective to help restoration of ecosystems, marine and coastal resources such as collect waste on beach, collect waste and fishery nets on the reef and revive the artificial reef by release young marine animal to increase aquatic animals in CEC’s operation area including Singhanakorn, Sathing Phra, Ranod and Muang Songkhla district. This is study place about marine ecosystems by students, fishermen and local communities.
This project is in the 5 year plan project in EIA report and is in the annual budgetary. The estimate budgeted for young marine animal, local boat hiring, cost of Songkhla Marine, food and drink for participants, premium gift, and the detail attach herewith in the proposal.
Please approve the advance budgetary of 2,000,000 Baht to Pavinee Thappenthai as following the detail below.