Never mix business with pleasure, they say – I wonder where you slot ‘family’ into this equation. Even when working in a 9-to-5 setting, most of us are finding less and less time to spend with our spouses and children. Things get worse when you start hanging around on the Web.
The more we are connected to the Internet, be it to reply emails, read blogs, surf social networking sites, or tend to our hobbies via PC, mobile or tablet, the less time we have for the people around us.
Despite having hundreds (or even thousands) of friends on Facebook, how many of them do you normally go out for drinks with? And even when you do, how much face-to-face time do you give each other? Chances are, upon sitting down and making your order, you would both whip out your smartphones and start swiping through your daily tabs, news, tweets and messages before finding something to talk about with your drinking buddy.
Chances are, you spend more time communicating through your friends on your phone than with your friends who are physically right in front of you. In short, the faster you connect to a nearby Wi-Fi connection, the faster you disconnect from the physical world.