Dear Khun Siriwan, Khun Chumpol,
Hope you are very well.
Please accepted my apologize for late review. Many thanks for your quick response and strong commitment to improvement and taken action.
I already reviewed all action plans for each CAR raised and revised CAR as Khun Sompong discussed in previous mail to 6 NC and dropped CAR no.7/7 as UK decision.(no observation allowed in BRC)
The overall action plan and root cause analysis were accepted by auditor. However, some evidences were addition required as my comment in yellow highlight. Please kindly find attach revised CAR and addition evidence required for CAR closed out. In case of alternative measure with alternative evidence, please kindly discuss. If you agreed for my comment, please kindly taken action and all CARs required to closed out within 21 days after auditing (expected due date on 22/08/2016). Thanks.
Note: Addition comment-
1.Some Appendix your referred, e.g. 5.1, etc. I cannot find in attached file.
2.Query for microbial test report evidence in CAR no. 6, please kindly check for all microbial parameters including yeast and mold, etc. which sample collect date 1/08/2018 and test report can be issued on 4/08/2016 (2-3 days for AOAC method, etc ? (please kindly give me test method of longest time required to verify) and for my opinion, it should impact product quality, e.g. appearance (not really for microbial at less than -7 Celsius).
3.GMP checklist that designed in CAR no.2, no revision as part of controlled document. Please kindly check.