Jiang Chen of today, compared with initially came to the overseas the time, does not know that tyrannicalally many, the speed was fast did not know several times, full speed, Nangong Wen Tian could not overtake, but must depend upon Jiang Chen to carry, this made Nangong Wen Tian be subject to the attack, oneself afterall was also one generation of people with outstanding ability, was illustrious in the Nangong aristocratic family, the younger generation has never been convinced anybody, but compared with Jiang Chen, the disparity came out instantaneously, this was the true anomaly.
One hour, Jiang Chen and Nangong Wen Tian then arrived at outside islands, above the islands the beautiful scenery, has the mist to linger, is floating independent, just like is an overseas Xiandao.
„Arrived at extremely Le Dao.”
Nangong Wen Tian said with a smile.
„Initially extremely Le Zhuangzhu little had not helped me, has the opportunity words to go to the island to be a guest actually again.”
Jiang Chen said.
„Now hurries to seek for Iceland.”
The Nangong Wen Tian reminder said.
Jiang Chen takes out the bronze medal once more, from present position display, from Icelandic also not small distances, two people must turn toward overseas deep place to run quickly.
The sea level tumbles, once for a while will have the huge sea-nymph to find out the giant head from the water surface, gaze is fierce, but these sea-nymphs have been full of the spirit wisdom, after realizing two people of aura of sky flight, shrank the head hastily, does not dare to have the least bit hurriedly.
Quick, two people arrive at a turbulent current sea area, the current of water of this sea area is extremely quick, forms giant eddy currents, solely these eddy currents, have the huge lethality, the common sea-nymph does not dare to approach.
To here time, bronze medal starts to bloom the radiant ray, Jiang Chen Spiritual knowledge seeps to the bronze medal, discovered that Iceland was near at hand.
„To, Iceland in this sea area deep place, has been careful these eddy currents, we get down.”
Jiang Chen eye one bright, two human sacrifices leave the Yuan power defense cover, puff passed one to jump in submarine, however, two people in submarine have loafed, has not discovered any trail in Iceland.
„Xiao Chen, does not suit, Iceland is so big, we should already feel is right, here what does not have . Moreover, shouldn't the place that Iceland presents, appear ice-bound?”
Nangong Wen Tian puzzled asking.
„You are not knowing that Iceland is at the concealment condition now, 100 years appear one time, naturally will not appear ice-bound, your I cannot see am also normal, if can see, was already seen, critical moment, must depend upon the bronze medal.”
Bronze medal of Jiang Chen in the hand raises high, waves to make a piece of ray, wraps the bronze medal completely.
Humming sound
Sees only the bronze medal sends out deafeningly buzz the sound of cry, quick, the bronze medal has had certain relation with Iceland, dodges the golden gateway suddenly to appear before Jiang Chen and Nangong Wen Tian body.
In instance that the golden gateway presents, the surrounding current of water was repelled completely, has formed a stretch of no war zone.
Jiang Chen eye one bright, turns toward the golden gateway to go, Nangong Wen Tian does not dare to neglect, follows closely to enter, when two people enter to the golden gateway , the gateway has not vanished as before.
Jiang Chen turns round a move, the golden gateway changes into a bronze medal to fall conveniently immediately starts.
„Ha Ha, this bronze medal is really a good thing.”
Jiang Chen laughs, initially obtained bronze medal the time knows that it is not simple, has not thought that now enters in Iceland again.
brilliance dodges, Jiang Chen and Nangong Wen Tian appeared above the black sacrificial altar directly, incomparably gloomy black sacrificial altar has not had the slight influence to two people of mood, instead made them feel incomparably excitedly.
„Arrived at black sacrificial altar unexpectedly directly.”