WYou can follow the steps as below (or develop your own formats and style, as long as all the requirements of the project are fulfilled):
1. Think of an imaginary business profile
2. Write a brief product profile (e.g. product characteristics, features, pricing and other relevant information)
3. Develop your research objectives
4. Develop your central research questions/enquiries
5. Identify the type of data you need to collect
6. Determine the data sources and methods to collect the data
7. Consider ethical and legal requirements in information collection, use and disclosure
8. Devise an online research strategy (for researching existing information) with key search words
9. Prepare your data collection tools (e.g. questionnaires, surveys, emails etc.)
10. Conduct the research and collect required data (twenty samples)
11. Analyse the data and record key findings
12. Prepare your final recommendations on the findings
13. Evaluate research outcomes against stated objectives
14. Prepare and submit a research report explaining your process and the recommendations