In India, whole Penaeus vannamei prices for the week starting February 9, 2015, rebounded $0.16 to $0.32 across all sizes. Prices for 50-count whole shrimp were at $5.63, 60-count at $4.99 and 70-count at $4.63.
Even though prices have firmed somewhat, they are still way off the levels seen last year. In September last year, prices for 50-count whole shrimp were $7.24, 60-count at $6.11 and 70-count at $5.47.
This current slight uptick in prices, according to Chaipat Kunapiwatkul, business development manager with Siam Canadian, is largely due to demand from Vietnam. “It seems that several packers are getting active in purchasing for the Vietnam market again. From what we heard, the purchasing volume for China and Vietnam is likely to increase after the Chinese New Year because there has been speculation about a shortage of shrimp in China by March. As a result the demand for shrimp is likely to go up.”