Three people arrive at Mao Fang fearful and apprehensive behind, has that dog to stop, they at all impossible to chase down the big flood dragon, Monster Spirit of big flood dragon did not have the hope.
„Disciple who dares to kill my black clothing gate, who gives you such big courage, the boy, I give you now the last opportunity, hands over the flood dragon essence and blood, I considered that makes you die a happiness, leaves behind a complete corpse to you.”
Mao Fang clenches jaws saying that he saw clearly at present cultivation of these two dog is, simply has not placed in it the eye, in his opinion, Jiang Chen just can surrender the flood dragon, completely because of own merit, the flood dragon is the spent force, the casual Divine Core Realm masters can kill it easily.
„If I give you now a life the opportunity, you most correct procedure immediately gets the hell out, I do not like giving people the second opportunity.”
Jiang Chen said lightly.
„Ha Ha, good rampant boy, it seems like you do not know my fierce, since you do not hand over the essence and blood, I first have killed you, then takes.”
If Mao Fangfang heard in world the funniest joke, his palm extends forward, makes one completely the flood dragon empty shade that is evolved by Yuan power, wallops toward Jiang Chen.
Jiang Chen cold snort, in the eye jumps at heart projects kills intent together, since some people do not know, that does not have any politely.
Jiang Chen makes a fist loudly, armored hand pounds above the flood dragon empty shade, that flood dragon empty shade ka scratches a then broken fragmentation, by a Jiang Chen fist destroying.
Mao Fang is the Divine Core Realm Late Stage talent master, is not general Divine Core Realm Late Stage can compare, if the heyday, Jiang Chen wants to strike to kill him, perhaps somewhat will be troublesome, but unfortunately, Mao Fang at the point of death was counter-attacked to give the heavy losses by the flood dragon, by seriously wound, in addition Jiang Chen now compared with leaving Black Sect time condensed 100 Dragon Mark, Dragon Mark in within the body has achieved 1100, under was in inverse proportion, Mao Fang completely is not the Jiang Chen match.
The luxuriant side in great surprise, cannot believe simply that Jiang Chen gets rid, makes him feel the huge pressure.
„Dies to me.”
Mao Fang clenches jaws, in the hand long sword changes into the arc light to cut together to Jiang Chen.
Jiang Chen lifts the hand to make True Dragon Great Handprint, holds Mao Fang the long sword, long sword from the hand of luxuriant side seizing.
The Jiang Chen movement like the lightning, drew near perfect, the long sword that seized reversed a fist in his hands, the sharp sword point arrived in Mao Fang the throat place.
„No, do not kill me, I am black clothing gate”
Mao Fang felt the threat of death, the words that what a pity he begged for mercy have not said that the long sword sent in his within the body, pierced his nape of the neck directly.
„You, you have killed luxuriant side Senior Brother unexpectedly, your courage was too big, the disciple who you dare to kill the black clothing gate, ascends the sky into not to have your means of livelihood.”
Female panic-stricken, she is threatening to Jiang Chen obviously, but her sound actually in fierce shivering.
„Big Yellow, has killed them.”
Jiang Chen has not gone to look at that three black clothing disciple one eyes, but said one lightly.