In some cases, there is an outright rejection of this model.
Richard Stallman, creator of theGNUoperating system and founder
of the Free Software Foundation, described cloud computing as a
trap aimed at forcing people to buy into locked, proprietary systems
that are likely to prove costly in the future. He once told the
Guardian: “It’s stupidity. It’s worse than stupidity: it’s a marketing
hype campaign”. This view was also echoed by Larry Ellison, the
founder of Oracle, who criticized the rash of cloud computing as
“fashion-driven” and “complete gibberish” and commented that it
would be hard to make money in this technology which he sees as
“lacking a clear business model” (Hasson, 2008; Johnson, 2008).
IT managers are likely to be wary of surrendering control of their
resources to outside providerswhocan change the underlying tech