28100:25:07,435 --> 00:25:11,028You're right.That is not a crime.28200 translation - 28100:25:07,435 --> 00:25:11,028You're right.That is not a crime.28200 Indonesian how to say

28100:25:07,435 --> 00:25:11,028You

00:25:07,435 --> 00:25:11,028
You're right.
That is not a crime.

00:25:11,823 --> 00:25:13,883
Because we're all scared....

00:25:14,582 --> 00:25:17,437
I'm so scared my legs shake.

00:25:18,703 --> 00:25:22,396
Your crime is wanting to live without even trying.

00:25:22,868 --> 00:25:25,022
Why do you think we all push on and fight?

00:25:25,142 --> 00:25:27,426
Because Shilla will remember us?

00:25:27,546 --> 00:25:30,303
So we can help bring 3,000 soldiers back alive?

00:25:30,861 --> 00:25:32,707
A dog would laugh....

00:25:32,827 --> 00:25:34,768
Why fight?

00:25:34,888 --> 00:25:37,168
We fight because there is no other way.

00:25:40,131 --> 00:25:42,041
If you want to live....

00:25:42,161 --> 00:25:44,424
If you really want to live...

00:25:45,021 --> 00:25:46,223

00:26:02,450 --> 00:26:04,074
What happened?

00:26:04,394 --> 00:26:06,335
Are you with the bait unit?

00:26:11,881 --> 00:26:15,016
This message was sent
from General Kim Seohyeon....

00:26:15,136 --> 00:26:19,133
If you come to Tae Gang Ro as planned,
you'll be annihilated.

00:26:19,798 --> 00:26:24,607
Hurry... Hurry and give this message
to Lord Archeon. Hurry!

00:26:26,131 --> 00:26:28,828
Escape! We must escape!

00:26:28,948 --> 00:26:30,803
What's the matter?
Why must we escape?

00:26:30,923 --> 00:26:33,079
This place is dangerous.

00:26:33,199 --> 00:26:36,213
Where we're headed,
the Baekje army is everywhere.

00:26:36,333 --> 00:26:39,346
If we keep on going as planned,
we'll all be slaughtered.

00:26:39,466 --> 00:26:40,827

00:26:40,947 --> 00:26:44,197
General Kim Seohyeon sent this letter
via a messenger.

00:26:58,027 --> 00:27:01,725
33... 34... 35.

00:27:04,150 --> 00:27:06,877
Only 35 people can fight.

00:27:14,602 --> 00:27:16,577
Is that all that's left?

00:27:16,697 --> 00:27:23,897
Yes... 28 were killed and only 35 are able to fight.

00:27:29,024 --> 00:27:30,956
What about the injured?

00:28:05,338 --> 00:28:07,291
You now take the lead.

00:28:10,031 --> 00:28:12,993
I can't allow this body to be a hindrance.

00:28:20,565 --> 00:28:21,702

00:28:22,175 --> 00:28:23,076

00:28:23,788 --> 00:28:24,904

00:28:25,441 --> 00:28:26,535

00:28:27,437 --> 00:28:28,360

00:28:34,943 --> 00:28:36,961
Pyeonjo, strike me down.

00:28:37,776 --> 00:28:38,936
Lord Aecheon!

00:28:40,803 --> 00:28:42,649
I can no longer fight.

00:28:42,769 --> 00:28:44,173
Strike me down.

00:29:03,106 --> 00:29:05,250
All it takes is strength.

00:29:05,370 --> 00:29:07,182
Strike me down.

00:29:09,522 --> 00:29:11,153
You cannot!

00:29:15,885 --> 00:29:17,130

00:29:17,250 --> 00:29:19,985
How dare a trainee interfere!

00:29:20,393 --> 00:29:22,304
Deokman, stand back.

00:29:22,424 --> 00:29:25,309
Lord Yushin... This cannot happen.

00:29:25,429 --> 00:29:26,676
This is crazy.

00:29:26,796 --> 00:29:28,522
I told you to stand back.

00:29:30,154 --> 00:29:34,962
If, at this place, another comrade is cut down,

00:29:38,180 --> 00:29:40,412
you won't be able view this letter again.

00:29:41,571 --> 00:29:43,332
What are you trying to say?

00:29:43,452 --> 00:29:44,965
You won't give it?

00:29:54,569 --> 00:29:56,201
You wretch!

00:29:56,952 --> 00:30:00,687
Now.. I'm the only one who knows
where the retreat road is located.

00:30:01,181 --> 00:30:03,710
So, why don't you strike me down as well as yourself.

00:30:03,830 --> 00:30:07,510
As for the injured, pretend we
don't care whether they live or die.

00:30:08,004 --> 00:30:10,837
Or, instead, let's save the wounded
and save me as well.

00:30:10,957 --> 00:30:13,113
And escape together with the rest of our unit.

00:30:14,084 --> 00:30:16,617
You choose between the two.

00:30:16,737 --> 00:30:18,592
How dare you.

00:30:23,059 --> 00:30:24,927
Lord Yushin...

00:30:25,592 --> 00:30:30,895
Even after a battle,
you came looking to check on our bodies.

00:30:31,015 --> 00:30:32,462
Because of that,

00:30:33,170 --> 00:30:36,605
you were able to find wounded soldiers.

00:30:36,725 --> 00:30:39,288
And you even carried me.

00:30:39,932 --> 00:30:41,413

00:30:42,014 --> 00:30:44,719
You told us to train in order to live and fight.

00:30:46,325 --> 00:30:49,738
To be able to carry a wounded comrade
as if part of our own body,
From: -
To: -
Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
28100:25:07,435 --> 00:25:11,028You're right.That is not a crime.28200:25:11,823 --> 00:25:13,883Because we're all scared....28300:25:14,582 --> 00:25:17,437I'm so scared my legs shake.28400:25:18,703 --> 00:25:22,396Your crime is wanting to live without even trying.28500:25:22,868 --> 00:25:25,022Why do you think we all push on and fight?28600:25:25,142 --> 00:25:27,426Because Shilla will remember us?28700:25:27,546 --> 00:25:30,303So we can help bring 3,000 soldiers back alive?28800:25:30,861 --> 00:25:32,707A dog would laugh....28900:25:32,827 --> 00:25:34,768Why fight?29000:25:34,888 --> 00:25:37,168We fight because there is no other way.29100:25:40,131 --> 00:25:42,041If you want to live....29200:25:42,161 --> 00:25:44,424If you really want to live...29300:25:45,021 --> 00:25:46,223Fight!29400:26:02,450 --> 00:26:04,074What happened?29500:26:04,394 --> 00:26:06,335Are you with the bait unit?29600:26:11,881 --> 00:26:15,016This message was sentfrom General Kim Seohyeon....29700:26:15,136 --> 00:26:19,133If you come to Tae Gang Ro as planned,you'll be annihilated.29800:26:19,798 --> 00:26:24,607Hurry... Hurry and give this messageto Lord Archeon. Hurry!29900:26:26,131 --> 00:26:28,828Escape! We must escape!30000:26:28,948 --> 00:26:30,803What's the matter?Why must we escape?30100:26:30,923 --> 00:26:33,079This place is dangerous.30200:26:33,199 --> 00:26:36,213Where we're headed,the Baekje army is everywhere.30300:26:36,333 --> 00:26:39,346If we keep on going as planned,we'll all be slaughtered.30400:26:39,466 --> 00:26:40,827What?30500:26:40,947 --> 00:26:44,197General Kim Seohyeon sent this lettervia a messenger.30600:26:58,027 --> 00:27:01,72533... 34... 35.30700:27:04,150 --> 00:27:06,877Only 35 people can fight.30800:27:14,602 --> 00:27:16,577Is that all that's left?30900:27:16,697 --> 00:27:23,897Yes... 28 were killed and only 35 are able to fight.31000:27:29,024 --> 00:27:30,956What about the injured?31100:28:05,338 --> 00:28:07,291You now take the lead.31200:28:10,031 --> 00:28:12,993I can't allow this body to be a hindrance.31300:28:20,565 --> 00:28:21,702Pyeonjo!31400:28:22,175 --> 00:28:23,076Dangye!31500:28:23,788 --> 00:28:24,904Suchang!31600:28:25,441 --> 00:28:26,535Hando!31700:28:27,437 --> 00:28:28,360Guemdo!31800:28:34,943 --> 00:28:36,961Pyeonjo, strike me down.31900:28:37,776 --> 00:28:38,936Lord Aecheon!32000:28:40,803 --> 00:28:42,649I can no longer fight.32100:28:42,769 --> 00:28:44,173Strike me down.32200:29:03,106 --> 00:29:05,250All it takes is strength.32300:29:05,370 --> 00:29:07,182Strike me down.32400:29:09,522 --> 00:29:11,153You cannot!32500:29:15,885 --> 00:29:17,130What?32600:29:17,250 --> 00:29:19,985How dare a trainee interfere!32700:29:20,393 --> 00:29:22,304Deokman, stand back.32800:29:22,424 --> 00:29:25,309Lord Yushin... This cannot happen.32900:29:25,429 --> 00:29:26,676This is crazy.33000:29:26,796 --> 00:29:28,522I told you to stand back.33100:29:30,154 --> 00:29:34,962If, at this place, another comrade is cut down,33200:29:38,180 --> 00:29:40,412you won't be able view this letter again.33300:29:41,571 --> 00:29:43,332What are you trying to say?33400:29:43,452 --> 00:29:44,965You won't give it?33500:29:54,569 --> 00:29:56,201You wretch!33600:29:56,952 --> 00:30:00,687Now.. I'm the only one who knowswhere the retreat road is located.33700:30:01,181 --> 00:30:03,710So, why don't you strike me down as well as yourself.33800:30:03,830 --> 00:30:07,510As for the injured, pretend wedon't care whether they live or die.33900:30:08,004 --> 00:30:10,837Or, instead, let's save the woundedand save me as well.34000:30:10,957 --> 00:30:13,113And escape together with the rest of our unit.34100:30:14,084 --> 00:30:16,617You choose between the two.34200:30:16,737 --> 00:30:18,592How dare you.34300:30:23,059 --> 00:30:24,927Lord Yushin...34400:30:25,592 --> 00:30:30,895Even after a battle,you came looking to check on our bodies.34500:30:31,015 --> 00:30:32,462Because of that,

00:30:33,170 --> 00:30:36,605
you were able to find wounded soldiers.

00:30:36,725 --> 00:30:39,288
And you even carried me.

00:30:39,932 --> 00:30:41,413

00:30:42,014 --> 00:30:44,719
You told us to train in order to live and fight.

00:30:46,325 --> 00:30:49,738
To be able to carry a wounded comrade
as if part of our own body,
Being translated, please wait..
Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
00: 25: 07.435 -> 00: 25: 11.028
Kau benar.
Itu bukan kejahatan. 282 00: 25: 11.823 -> 00: 25: 13.883 Karena kita semua takut .... 283 00: 25: 14.582 -> 00: 25: 17.437 Saya sangat takut kaki saya bergetar. 284 00: 25: 18.703 -> 00: 25: 22.396. kejahatan Anda ingin hidup bahkan tanpa berusaha 285 00:25 : 22868 -> 00: 25: 25.022 Mengapa Anda pikir kita semua mendorong dan melawan? 286 00: 25: 25.142 -> 00: 25: 27.426 Karena Shilla akan mengingat kita? 287 00: 25: 27.546 -> 00: 25: 30.303 Jadi kita dapat membantu membawa 3.000 tentara kembali hidup? 288 00: 25: 30.861 -> 00: 25: 32.707 Seekor anjing akan tertawa .... 289 00: 25: 32.827 -> 00:25: 34.768 Mengapa melawan? 290 00: 25: 34.888 -> 00: 25: 37.168 Kami berjuang karena tidak ada cara lain. 291 00: 25: 40.131 -> 00: 25: 42.041 Jika Anda ingin hidup .... 292 00: 25: 42.161 -> 00: 25: 44.424 Jika Anda benar-benar ingin hidup ... 293 00: 25: 45.021 -> 00: 25: 46.223 Berjuang! 294 00: 26: 02.450 -> 00: 26: 04.074 Apa yang terjadi? 295 00: 26: 04.394 -> 00: 26: 06.335 Apakah Anda dengan unit umpan? 296 00: 26: 11.881 -> 00: 26: 15.016 Pesan ini dikirim dari General Kim Seohyeon. ... 297 00: 26: 15.136 -> 00: 26: 19.133 Jika Anda datang ke Tae Gang Ro seperti yang direncanakan, Anda akan dimusnahkan. 298 00: 26: 19.798 -> 00: 26: 24.607 Cepat .. . Cepat dan memberikan pesan ini untuk Tuhan Archeon. Cepat! 299 00: 26: 26.131 -> 00: 26: 28.828 melarikan diri! Kita harus melarikan diri! 300 00: 26: 28.948 -> 00: 26: 30.803 Ada apa? Mengapa kita harus melarikan diri? 301 00: 26: 30.923 -> 00: 26: 33.079. Tempat ini berbahaya 302 00:26 : 33199 -> 00: 26: 36.213 Dimana kita menuju, tentara Baekje di mana-mana. 303 00: 26: 36.333 -> 00: 26: 39.346 Jika kita terus bakalan seperti yang direncanakan, kita semua akan dibantai . 304 00: 26: 39.466 -> 00: 26: 40.827 Apa? 305 00: 26: 40.947 -> 00: 26: 44.197 General Kim Seohyeon mengirim surat ini melalui utusan. 306 00: 26: 58.027 -> 00: 27: 01.725 33 ... 34 ... 35. 307 00: 27: 04.150 -> 00: 27: 06.877 Hanya 35 orang bisa melawan. 308 00: 27: 14.602 -> 00: 27: 16.577 Apakah bahwa semua yang tersisa? 309 00: 27: 16.697 -> 00: 27: 23.897 Ya ... 28 tewas dan hanya 35 yang mampu melawan. 310 00: 27: 29.024 -> 00: 27: 30.956 Bagaimana terluka? 311 00: 28: 05.338 -> 00: 28: 07.291 Anda sekarang memimpin. 312 00: 28: 10,031 -> 00: 28: 12.993. Saya tidak bisa membiarkan tubuh ini menjadi penghalang 313 00: 28: 20.565 -> 00: 28: 21.702 Pyeonjo! 314 00: 28: 22.175 -> 00: 28: 23.076 Dangye! 315 00: 28: 23.788 -> 00: 28: 24.904! Suchang 316 00: 28: 25.441 -> 00: 28: 26.535 Hando! 317 00: 28: 27.437 -> 00: 28: 28.360 Guemdo! 318 00: 28: 34.943 -> 00: 28: 36.961. Pyeonjo, menyerang saya turun 319 00: 28: 37.776 -> 00: 28: 38.936 Tuhan Aecheon! 320 00: 28: 40.803 -> 00: 28: 42.649 Saya tidak bisa lagi melawan. 321 00: 28: 42.769 -> 00: 28: 44.173 menyerang saya. 322 00: 29: 03.106 -> 00: 29: 05.250 Yang dibutuhkan adalah kekuatan. 323 00: 29: 05.370 -> 00: 29: 07.182 menyerang saya. 324 00: 29: 09.522 - > 00: 29: 11.153 Anda tidak bisa! 325 00: 29: 15.885 -> 00: 29: 17.130 Apa? 326 00: 29: 17.250 -> 00: 29: 19.985! Beraninya trainee mengganggu 327 00:29: 20.393 -> 00: 29: 22.304 Deokman, berdiri kembali. 328 00: 29: 22.424 -> 00: 29: 25.309 Tuhan Yushin ... ini tidak dapat terjadi. 329 00: 29: 25.429 -> 00:29: 26.676 Ini gila. 330 00: 29: 26.796 -> 00: 29: 28.522 Saya mengatakan kepada Anda untuk berdiri kembali. 331 00: 29: 30.154 -> 00: 29: 34.962 Jika, di tempat ini, kawan lain dipotong bawah, 332 00: 29: 38.180 -> 00: 29: 40.412 Anda tidak akan dapat melihat surat ini lagi. 333 00: 29: 41.571 -> 00: 29: 43.332? Apa yang Anda katakan 334 00 : 29: 43.452 -> 00: 29: 44.965 Anda tidak akan memberikan? 335 00: 29: 54.569 -> 00: 29: 56.201 Anda celaka! 336 00: 29: 56.952 -> 00: 30: 00.687 Sekarang .. aku satu-satunya yang tahu di mana jalan mundur berada. 337 00: 30: 01.181 -> 00: 30: 03.710. Jadi, kenapa tidak Anda menyerang saya turun serta diri sendiri 338 00: 30: 03.830 -> 00: 30: 07.510 Adapun cedera, berpura-pura kita tidak peduli apakah mereka hidup atau mati. 339 00: 30: 08.004 -> 00: 30: 10.837 Atau, sebaliknya, mari kita menyelamatkan terluka dan menyelamatkan saya juga. 340 00: 30: 10.957 -> 00: 30: 13.113 Dan melarikan diri bersama-sama dengan seluruh unit kami. 341 00: 30: 14.084 -> 00: 30: 16.617 Anda memilih antara keduanya. 342 00: 30: 16.737 -> 00: 30: 18.592 Beraninya kau. 343 00: 30: 23.059 -> 00: 30: 24.927 Tuhan Yushin ... 344 00: 30: 25.592 -> 00:30: 30.895 Bahkan setelah pertempuran, Anda datang mencari untuk memeriksa tubuh kita. 345 00: 30: 31.015 -> 00: 30: 32.462 Karena itu, 346 00: 30: 33.170 -> 00: 30: 36.605 Anda mampu untuk menemukan tentara yang terluka. 347 00: 30: 36.725 -> 00: 30: 39.288 Dan Anda bahkan membawa saya. 348 00: 30: 39.932 -> 00: 30: 41.413 Juga ... 349 00: 30: 42.014 - -> 00: 30: 44.719 Anda mengatakan kepada kita untuk melatih untuk hidup dan berjuang. 350 00: 30: 46.325 -> 00: 30: 49.738 Untuk dapat membawa kawan terluka seolah-olah bagian dari tubuh kita sendiri,

Being translated, please wait..
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