Get married.How sacred those two words were. Yu Lili wanted to, and sh translation - Get married.How sacred those two words were. Yu Lili wanted to, and sh Indonesian how to say

Get married.How sacred those two wo

Get married.How sacred those two words were. Yu Lili wanted to, and she only wanted to marry Ou Ming, to be together with him forever.She looked up and saw that he was looking at her, his mischievous eyes shining brightly. His two eyes were like mirrors, reflecting her and only her.“Let’s welcome in the New Year. There are only 30 seconds left!”A contagiously charismatic voice rang out from the television. When Ou Ming heard it, he beamed and said, “The countdown is about to begin.”This feeling was a little unreal for Yu Lili. She snuggled into his embrace and said, “I think this is the first time we’re welcoming in the New Year together.”“Yes.” Ou Ming gazed at her and planted a gentle kiss on her face. “And we’ll spend the next 50 together as well.”“Ten, nine, eight, seven…”Ou Ming kissed her on the lips as the voices in the television continued counting down enthusiastically.“Three, two, one!”Ou Ming released her and uttered in a deep voice, “Happy New Year.”For some reason, Yu Lili’s nose began to ache with unshed tears. She hugged him with both arms and replied, “Happy New Year.”Ou Ming chuckled. He turned the television off and had his arms around her as they made their way back to the room.When Yu Lili woke up, the sun was already up.Warmth radiated from her side, giving Yu Lili a comfortable sense of security. She cuddled closer to him and burrowed into his chest.Ou Ming was instantaneously awakened by her actions. He opened one eye and saw the dark strands of her hair.Tilting the corners of his lips up, he stretched out his legs out wrapped them around her body. Just like that, the both of them were locked around each other.Yu Lili tried to resist him for a while but gave up very quickly. With a wiggle, she yelped, “This is uncomfortable!”Ou Ming released her and asked, “It’s the first day of the New Year. Where would you like to go?”Yu Lili heard him and raised her eyes to meet his, but all she saw was the stubble on his jaw.She stuck her finger out and poked him. “Don’t you need to go home?”His jaw felt ticklish from her pokes, so he caught hold of her finger.“Is that where you want to go?” he asked in return.“No…”“Then I won’t go either.” Ou Ming tilted his face down to face her and whispered, “Are you hungry?”“No.”When Ou Ming heard that, he was very satisfied with the answer. His hand snaked its way up underneath her shirt as he declared suggestively, “Let’s get some exercise then.”“No! Ah… that tickles! Stop stroking me there… Ah… mmmmm…”…After their shower, Yu Lili was famished.Yu Lili dabbed a bit of makeup on her face after the both of them got dressed, and they got ready to head out.Ou Ming wore the same clothes that he did the day before. He waited for Yu Lili to emerge and they descended the flights of stairs together.There were many eateries nearby, and they picked one at random. When they were done and stepped out, they noticed a trendy Bentley parked right at the entrance of the neighborhood.Such a car did not belong to an average citizen. A sense of familiarity crept into Yu Lili as she observed the car. She looked at Ou Ming, who had clearly already identified the owner of that Bentley.Holding on to Yu Lili’s hand, he instructed, “Let’s go.”“Stop where you are!” A command rang out. Yu Lili started in surprise at the sound of Jiao Ziqing’s voice.She turned to look. Jiao Ziqing was dressed to the nines in a blush-colored fur coat and elegant makeup. She was extremely eye-catching.She was here for Ou Ming.Ou Ming pulled Yu Lili along, and a sudden sense of excitement overcame him. With a hearty laugh, he said to her, “Run. Let’s just elope.”
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Get married.<br><br>How sacred those two words were. Yu Lili wanted to, and she only wanted to marry Ou Ming, to be together with him forever.<br><br>She looked up and saw that he was looking at her, his mischievous eyes shining brightly. His two eyes were like mirrors, reflecting her and only her.<br><br>“Let’s welcome in the New Year. There are only 30 seconds left!”<br><br>A contagiously charismatic voice rang out from the television. When Ou Ming heard it, he beamed and said, “The countdown is about to begin.”<br><br>This feeling was a little unreal for Yu Lili. She snuggled into his embrace and said, “I think this is the first time we’re welcoming in the New Year together.”<br><br>“Yes.” Ou Ming gazed at her and planted a gentle kiss on her face. “And we’ll spend the next 50 together as well.”<br><br>“Ten, nine, eight, seven…”<br><br>Ou Ming kissed her on the lips as the voices in the television continued counting down enthusiastically.<br><br>“Three, two, one!”<br><br>Ou Ming released her and uttered in a deep voice, “Happy New Year.”<br><br>For some reason, Yu Lili’s nose began to ache with unshed tears. She hugged him with both arms and replied, “Happy New Year.”<br><br>Ou Ming chuckled. He turned the television off and had his arms around her as they made their way back to the room.<br><br>When Yu Lili woke up, the sun was already up.<br><br>Warmth radiated from her side, giving Yu Lili a comfortable sense of security. She cuddled closer to him and burrowed into his chest.<br><br>Ou Ming was instantaneously awakened by her actions. He opened one eye and saw the dark strands of her hair.<br><br>Tilting the corners of his lips up, he stretched out his legs out wrapped them around her body. Just like that, the both of them were locked around each other.<br><br>Yu Lili tried to resist him for a while but gave up very quickly. With a wiggle, she yelped, “This is uncomfortable!”<br><br>Ou Ming released her and asked, “It’s the first day of the New Year. Where would you like to go?”<br><br>Yu Lili heard him and raised her eyes to meet his, but all she saw was the stubble on his jaw.<br><br>She stuck her finger out and poked him. “Don’t you need to go home?”<br><br>His jaw felt ticklish from her pokes, so he caught hold of her finger.<br><br>“Is that where you want to go?” he asked in return.<br><br>“No…”<br><br>“Then I won’t go either.” Ou Ming tilted his face down to face her and whispered, “Are you hungry?”<br><br>“No.”<br><br>When Ou Ming heard that, he was very satisfied with the answer. His hand snaked its way up underneath her shirt as he declared suggestively, “Let’s get some exercise then.”<br><br>“No! Ah… that tickles! Stop stroking me there… Ah… mmmmm…”<br><br>…<br><br>After their shower, Yu Lili was famished.<br><br>Yu Lili dabbed a bit of makeup on her face after the both of them got dressed, and they got ready to head out.<br><br>Ou Ming wore the same clothes that he did the day before. He waited for Yu Lili to emerge and they descended the flights of stairs together.<br><br>There were many eateries nearby, and they picked one at random. When they were done and stepped out, they noticed a trendy Bentley parked right at the entrance of the neighborhood.<br><br>Such a car did not belong to an average citizen. A sense of familiarity crept into Yu Lili as she observed the car. She looked at Ou Ming, who had clearly already identified the owner of that Bentley.<br><br>Holding on to Yu Lili’s hand, he instructed, “Let’s go.”<br><br>“Stop where you are!” A command rang out. Yu Lili started in surprise at the sound of Jiao Ziqing’s voice.<br><br>She turned to look. Jiao Ziqing was dressed to the nines in a blush-colored fur coat and elegant makeup. She was extremely eye-catching.<br><br>She was here for Ou Ming.<br><br>Ou Ming ditarik Yu Lili bersama, dan rasa tiba-tiba kegembiraan mengalahkan dia. Dengan tertawa lebar, ia berkata kepadanya, “Run. kawin lari saja Mari.”
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Menikah.<br><br>Betapa sakral kedua kata itu. Yu Lili ingin, dan dia hanya ingin menikahi ou Ming, untuk bersama-sama dengan Dia selamanya.<br><br>Dia menengadah dan melihat bahwa dia menatap dia, matanya yang nakal bersinar terang. Kedua matanya seperti cermin, memantulkan dirinya dan hanya dia.<br><br>"Mari kita Selamat datang di tahun baru. Hanya ada 30 detik tersisa! "<br><br>Sebuah suara karismatik contagiously berdering keluar dari televisi. Ketika ou Ming mendengarnya, dia berseri-seri dan berkata, "hitungan mundur akan segera dimulai."<br><br>Perasaan ini sedikit tidak nyata bagi Yu Lili. Dia meringkuk dalam pelukan dan berkata, "Saya rasa ini adalah pertama kalinya kami menyambut di tahun baru bersama-sama."<br><br>"Ya." Ou Ming menatap dia dan menanam ciuman lembut di wajahnya. "Dan kita akan menghabiskan 50 berikutnya bersama-sama juga."<br><br>"Sepuluh, sembilan, delapan, tujuh..."<br><br>Ou Ming berciuman di bibir sebagai suara di televisi terus menghitung mundur dengan antusias.<br><br>"Tiga, dua, satu!"<br><br>Ou Ming merilisnya dan mengucapkan suara yang dalam, "Selamat tahun baru."<br><br>Karena alasan tertentu, hidung Yu Lili mulai sakit dengan air mata yang tak tertumpahkan. Dia memeluknya dengan kedua tangan dan menjawab, "Selamat tahun baru."<br><br>Ou Ming tertawa. Dia berpaling televisi off dan memiliki lengannya di sekelilingnya ketika mereka membuat jalan mereka kembali ke ruangan.<br><br>Ketika Yu Lili terbangun, matahari sudah bangun.<br><br>Kehangatan terpanasi dari sisinya, memberikan Yu Lili rasa aman yang nyaman. Dia memeluk lebih dekat padanya dan mengkerut ke dadanya.<br><br>Ou Ming seketika dibangunkan oleh tindakannya. Dia membuka satu mata dan melihat helai rambutnya yang gelap.<br><br>Memiringkan sudut bibir ke atas, ia mengulurkan kakinya membungkus mereka di sekitar tubuhnya. Sama seperti itu, keduanya terkunci di sekitar satu sama lain.<br><br>Yu Lili mencoba untuk menolaknya untuk sementara waktu tetapi menyerah sangat cepat. Dengan menggoyangkan, dia kuning, "ini tidak nyaman!"<br><br>Ou Ming merilisnya dan bertanya, "ini adalah hari pertama tahun baru. Di mana Anda ingin pergi? "<br><br>Yu Lili mendengar dia dan mengangkat matanya untuk bertemu dengannya, tapi semua dia melihat adalah tunggul di rahang.<br><br>Dia mencuat jarinya dan menusuk. "Tidakkah Anda perlu pulang?"<br><br>Rahangnya merasa geli dari Pokes, jadi dia menangkap jarinya.<br><br>"Apakah itu di mana Anda ingin pergi?" Dia bertanya sebagai imbalan.<br><br>"Tidak..."<br><br>"Lalu aku tidak akan pergi baik." Ou Ming memiringkan wajahnya ke bawah untuk menghadapi dia dan berbisik, "Apakah Anda lapar?"<br><br>"Tidak."<br><br>Ketika ou Ming mendengar itu, dia sangat puas dengan jawabannya. Tangannya menyelinap jalan di bawah bajunya saat ia menyatakan suam, "Mari kita mendapatkan beberapa latihan kemudian."<br><br>Tidak! Ah... yang menggelap! Berhenti membelai saya di sana... Ah... "sangat..."<br><br>...<br><br>Setelah mandi mereka, Yu Lili sedang kelaparan.<br><br>Yu Lili mencoba-coba sedikit makeup di wajahnya setelah keduanya berpakaian, dan mereka bersiap-siap untuk kepala keluar.<br><br>Ou Ming mengenakan pakaian yang sama yang dilakukannya sehari sebelumnya. Dia menunggu Yu Lili muncul dan mereka turun dari tangga bersama.<br><br>Ada banyak restoran di dekatnya, dan mereka mengambil satu secara acak. Ketika mereka selesai dan melangkah keluar, mereka melihat Bentley trendi diparkir tepat di pintu masuk lingkungan.<br><br>Mobil seperti itu bukan milik warga negara. Rasa keakraban merayap ke Yu Lili saat ia mengamati mobil. Dia melihat ou Ming, yang telah jelas telah mengidentifikasi pemilik Bentley itu.<br><br>Berpegangan pada tangan Yu Lili, dia menginstruksikan, "Mari kita pergi."<br><br>"Berhenti di mana Anda berada!" Perintah berdering. Yu Lili mulai terkejut dengan suara Jiao Ziqing.<br><br>Dia berpaling untuk melihat. Jiao Ziqing berpakaian ke nines dalam mantel bulu berwarna blush dan makeup yang elegan. Dia sangat eye-catching.<br><br>Dia berada di sini untuk ou Ming.<br><br>Ou Ming menarik Yu Lili bersama, dan rasa kegembiraan mendadak mengalahkan dia. Dengan tertawa hangat, ia berkata kepadanya, "Run. Mari kita hanya elope. "
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Results (Indonesian) 3:[Copy]
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