Dear help me with anything you can do for the lawyer to prepare the le translation - Dear help me with anything you can do for the lawyer to prepare the le Spanish how to say

Dear help me with anything you can

Dear help me with anything you can do for the lawyer to prepare the legal document with your name to send to the bank.

Hello my beloved darling,
How are you darling?I miss you and thinking about you every moment because you are the only person i have in my life as a husband,love and family.
I am deeply sorry for not able to answer you since because yesterday was our prayer service day here being Sunday and there was no electricity here since yesterdaay too since nobody care about our situation because we are refugee and orphanage.
I love you and i miss you as i want you to know i cannot do in the rest of my life without you close.You are are everything in my memory day and night.
My beloved husband,I am glad to read from you.I thank you for all of your effort and your concern over my situation here.
Darling,regard the lawyer message and please i want you to help me with anything you can do for the lawyer to help us soon to prepare the legal document in your name to send to the bank in United Kingdom to complete the fund transfer to you so that you can be able to send me some money to prepare my passport and other traveling papers to start coming to meet you there in Mexico or to enable you have some money to travel down here to meet me and take back Cuba a better new life with you.
I am suffering so much here with no food to eat and no good medical care for us here.
I love you dear and i miss you so much.I can't wait to be together with you there in your country soon immediately after the fund transfer with the bank to your bank account.
Sweetheart, i want you to know you are God sent husband of my life and you are everything to me in this world as i have no family.I will be very happy to spend the rest of my life with you.You are so dear caring to me and i love you.I promise to continue to love till end of my life.
Darling,i don't know what to do now and please think about my situation here.
I want you to help me with anything you can do for the lawyer to prepare the two legal document for us in your name as the bank request from us.
Darling,since the lawyer said the cost to prepare the legal document is 12,057.00 CUP Cuba currency.
Darling,all i can say as you already understand my situation here in this country as a refugee who did not have family and no body to call my family except you alone.I will like you to help me and make payment to the lawyer to procure the legal document for us fast to so that you can forwrsd the document to the bank to transfer my late father fund transfer to your bank account in Cuba.
The bank said in there message that they will transfer all my late father fund in the bank to your bank account in Cuba within 48 hour as soon as they receive all the legal document from us.
My love,i will like you to try everything you can do to help me and made the payment to the lawyer and also tell the lawyer to come to the orphanage camp here to assist me for the scanning of other two document with me being the death certificate of my late father and the deposit certificate statement of the account of my father to send to you too since i do not have freedom to do anything for myself here.
Please, my love try everything for the lawyer to complete the two legal document for us fast being the "legalization letter of changing the beneficiary name of my late father to your name and the affidavit of oath to enable you send all the document to the bank once to complete the fund transfer to your bank account in Cuba.
So,after the transfer you will send me some money to prepare my traveling document to start coming to meet you there in Cuba while you will be at the airport to wait me the day i will arrive there to kiss away my sorrow and loneliness or for you to come down here after the transfer to take me back to your country.
You mean the world to me and i would do anything to make you happy for the rest of your life.I love everything about you.
There is just no end to the way I feel about you. So please, do not seek another woman.
I can not do without you anymore when you are not close.It feel as if the most important piece of me is missing. You are my life and my only love. I want you to remember that it will be this way till the end of time. I love you with my whole heart, mind, body and soul.
I love you more than i can tell you in writing.
I wish you a fruitful new week with many love and kisses.
Yours always and forever love wife to be,
From: -
To: -
Results (Spanish) 1: [Copy]
Dear help me with anything you can do for the lawyer to prepare the legal document with your name to send to the bank.Hello my beloved darling,How are you darling?I miss you and thinking about you every moment because you are the only person i have in my life as a husband,love and family.I am deeply sorry for not able to answer you since because yesterday was our prayer service day here being Sunday and there was no electricity here since yesterdaay too since nobody care about our situation because we are refugee and orphanage.I love you and i miss you as i want you to know i cannot do in the rest of my life without you close.You are are everything in my memory day and night.My beloved husband,I am glad to read from you.I thank you for all of your effort and your concern over my situation here.Darling,regard the lawyer message and please i want you to help me with anything you can do for the lawyer to help us soon to prepare the legal document in your name to send to the bank in United Kingdom to complete the fund transfer to you so that you can be able to send me some money to prepare my passport and other traveling papers to start coming to meet you there in Mexico or to enable you have some money to travel down here to meet me and take back Cuba a better new life with you.I am suffering so much here with no food to eat and no good medical care for us here.I love you dear and i miss you so much.I can't wait to be together with you there in your country soon immediately after the fund transfer with the bank to your bank account.Sweetheart, i want you to know you are God sent husband of my life and you are everything to me in this world as i have no family.I will be very happy to spend the rest of my life with you.You are so dear caring to me and i love you.I promise to continue to love till end of my life.Darling,i don't know what to do now and please think about my situation here.I want you to help me with anything you can do for the lawyer to prepare the two legal document for us in your name as the bank request from us.Darling,since the lawyer said the cost to prepare the legal document is 12,057.00 CUP Cuba currency.Darling,all i can say as you already understand my situation here in this country as a refugee who did not have family and no body to call my family except you alone.I will like you to help me and make payment to the lawyer to procure the legal document for us fast to so that you can forwrsd the document to the bank to transfer my late father fund transfer to your bank account in Cuba.The bank said in there message that they will transfer all my late father fund in the bank to your bank account in Cuba within 48 hour as soon as they receive all the legal document from us.My love,i will like you to try everything you can do to help me and made the payment to the lawyer and also tell the lawyer to come to the orphanage camp here to assist me for the scanning of other two document with me being the death certificate of my late father and the deposit certificate statement of the account of my father to send to you too since i do not have freedom to do anything for myself here.Please, my love try everything for the lawyer to complete the two legal document for us fast being the "legalization letter of changing the beneficiary name of my late father to your name and the affidavit of oath to enable you send all the document to the bank once to complete the fund transfer to your bank account in Cuba.So,after the transfer you will send me some money to prepare my traveling document to start coming to meet you there in Cuba while you will be at the airport to wait me the day i will arrive there to kiss away my sorrow and loneliness or for you to come down here after the transfer to take me back to your country.You mean the world to me and i would do anything to make you happy for the rest of your life.I love everything about you.There is just no end to the way I feel about you. So please, do not seek another woman.I can not do without you anymore when you are not close.It feel as if the most important piece of me is missing. You are my life and my only love. I want you to remember that it will be this way till the end of time. I love you with my whole heart, mind, body and soul.Te quiero más que puedo decirle por escrito.Te deseo una fructífera semana nueva con muchos amor y besos.Tuyo siempre y para siempre amor esposaAmina.
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Results (Spanish) 2:[Copy]
Estimado me ayuda con cualquier cosa que usted puede hacer por el abogado para preparar el documento legal con su nombre para enviar al banco. Hola mi querido querido, ¿Cómo estás cariño? Te echo de menos y de pensar en ti cada momento, porque usted es la única persona tengo en mi vida como esposo, el amor y la familia. Estoy profundamente apenado por no capaz de responder ya porque ayer fue nuestro día de oración aquí era domingo y no había electricidad aquí desde yesterdaay demasiado ya que nadie la atención sobre nuestra situación porque somos refugiados y orfanato. Te quiero y te echo de menos como yo quiero que sepas que no puedo hacer en el resto de mi vida sin ti close.You son son todo en mi día de la memoria y de la noche. Mi amado esposo, me alegro leer de you.I gracias por todo su esfuerzo y de su preocupación por mi situación aquí. Querido, considerar el mensaje de abogado y por favor quiero que me ayudes con algo que usted puede hacer por el abogado para que nos ayude pronto para preparar el documento legal en su nombre para enviar al banco en Reino Unido para completar la transferencia de fondos a usted para que usted puede ser capaz de enviar algo de dinero para preparar mi pasaporte y otros documentos de viaje para comenzar a venir a conocerte allí en México o para permitir que usted tiene algo de dinero para viajar hasta aquí para verme y recuperar Cuba una mejor nueva vida contigo. Estoy sufriendo mucho aquí con nada que comer y no hay una buena atención médica para nosotros aquí. Te amo querido y te extraño así lo much.I no puedo esperar para estar junto con ustedes allá en su país pronto inmediatamente después de la transferencia de fondos con el banco a su cuenta bancaria. Cariño, quiero que usted sepa que está Dios envió esposo de mi vida y que son todo para mí en este mundo como no tengo ni family.I será muy feliz de pasar el resto de mi vida con you.You son tan querido cuidar para mí y me encanta you.I prometen seguir amando hasta el final de mi vida . Cariño, yo no sé qué hacer ahora y por favor piense acerca de mi situación aquí. Quiero que me ayudes con algo que usted puede hacer por el abogado para preparar los dos documentos legales para nosotros en su nombre como la solicitud del banco nosotros. Cariño, ya que el abogado dijo que el costo de preparar el documento legal es 12,057.00 CUP Cuba moneda. Cariño, todo lo que puedo decir, como usted ya entiende mi situación aquí en este país como refugiado que no tenía familia y no hay cuerpo para llamar mi familia, excepto usted alone.I le va a gustar que me ayudes y hace el pago al abogado para procurar el documento legal para nosotros rápidamente a fin de que usted puede forwrsd el documento al banco para transferir mi transferencia de fondos difunto padre a su cuenta bancaria en Cuba. El banco dijo en ese mensaje que van a transferir toda mi fondo difunto padre en el banco a su cuenta bancaria en Cuba dentro de 48 horas tan pronto como reciban todo el documento legal de nuestra parte. Mi amor, me gustaría que probar todo lo que puede hacer para que me ayude y hecho el pago al abogado y también decirle al abogado que venir al campamento orfanato aquí para que me ayude para el escaneado de otros dos documentos con que yo sea el certificado de defunción de mi difunto padre y el certificado de depósito declaración de la cuenta de mi padre para enviar a usted también, ya que no tengo libertad para hacer nada por mí mismo aquí. Por favor, mi amor intentar todo para el abogado para completar los dos documento legal para nosotros ser rápido la "carta legalización de cambiar el nombre de beneficiario de mi difunto padre a su nombre y la declaración jurada de juramento para permitir que envíe todo el documento para el banco una vez para completar la transferencia de fondos a su cuenta bancaria en Cuba. Por lo tanto, después de la transferencia va a enviarme algo de dinero para preparar mi documento de viaje para comenzar a venir a conocerte allí en Cuba y además, estar en el aeropuerto me espere el día voy a llegar allí para besar a mi tristeza y la soledad o para que usted venga aquí abajo después de la transferencia a llevarme de regreso en su país. ¿Quieres decir que el mundo para mí y yo haría cualquier cosa para hacerte feliz para el resto de sus vida.yo encanta todo sobre usted. Simplemente no hay fin a la manera en que yo siento por ti. Así que por favor, no buscan otra mujer. No puedo hacer sin ti más cuando no estás close.It sienten como si la pieza más importante de mi falta. Tú eres mi vida y mi único amor. Quiero que recuerdes que va a ser así hasta el final de los tiempos. Te amo con todo mi corazón, mente, cuerpo y alma. Te amo más de lo que puedo decir por escrito. Les deseo una nueva semana fructífera con muchos amor y besos. Tuyo siempre y para siempre amor esposa a ser, Amina.

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Results (Spanish) 3:[Copy]
¿Querido ayudarme con cualquier cosa que usted puede hacer por el abogado para preparar el documento legal con su nombre para enviar al banco.

Hola mi amada querida,
cómo estás cariño?Te echo de menos y pensando en ti cada momento porque eres la única persona que tengo en mi vida como un marido, el amor y la familia.
Estoy profundamente apenado por no poder responderte desde porque ayer fue nuestro servicio de oración día aquí siendo domingo y no había electricidad aquí desde yesterdaay demasiado ya que nadie importa nuestra situación porque somos refugiados y orfanato.
te amo y te extraño, quiero que sepas que no se puede hacer en el resto de mi vida sin ti cerca. Eres todo en mi memoria el día y la noche.
Mi amado esposo, estoy feliz de leer de usted. Gracias por todo tu esfuerzo y tu preocupación por mi situación aquí.
cariño,Respecto el abogado mensaje y por favor quiero que me ayuden con cualquier cosa que usted puede hacer para el abogado que nos ayude pronto para preparar el documento legal en su nombre para enviar al Banco en Reino Unido para completar la transferencia de fondos para usted de modo que usted puede ser capaz de enviar algo de dinero a preparar mi pasaporte y otros documentos de viaje para venir a vernos allí en México o que tienesDinero para viajar hasta aquí para verme y devolver a Cuba una mejor nueva vida con usted.
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