That Beastly King smiles gloomily, toward Jiang Chen on killing.
Meanwhile, another 1-Tier Battle King looked at Big Yellow Dog.
„Paternal grandmother, such majestic dog, it seems like today can cook a pot well.”
That 1-Tier Battle King and that 1-Tier Beastly King also get rid, attack Big Yellow Dog.
Sees that Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog look one mutually, happily has smiled.
When that two pirates will soon arrive at Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog near, Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog also moved, a speed of this person of dog is too fast, to does not have including the opportunity that the match responded quickly.
Big Yellow Dog sends out quack laughs, an intrepid Beastly King imposing manner perfect release gets rid, under the oppression of this imposing manner, the pirate complexion instantaneously changes, however, he has not responded that the Big Yellow Dog dog head then directly hit his body.
The pirate only thought that a mountain hit on oneself, Yuan power directly was broken, the whole person was shaken far of flying thousand li (333m), puts out three blood continuously.
The pirates have not been shocked with enough time, under Big Yellow Dog again rushed to his near, the big mouth has covered, the head of pirate, ka was scratched to gnaw off, died a tragic death at the scene.
Meanwhile, another side has also resounded a sad and shrill pitiful yell, Long Zhao who Jiang Chen evolves, pierced that Beastly King abdomen directly, that Beastly King has not died, but Jiang Chen has controlled his Qi Hai.
Jiang Chen such procedure, for the treasure, at present these fellows is a pirate, a side overlord, wealth are certainly many.
But after the member achieves the Battle King boundary, the body of whole person can change, because has controlled the strength of space, Qi Hai will be opened a piece of space to come, to this time, the member has not needed Space Ring to store up the goods, can deposit the goods in the Qi Hai space directly.
But also this, takes by force the incomparable difficulty that also changes, must know that Battle King the killed instance, the whole person can die a tragic death, the Qi Hai instantaneous deconstruction, inside treasure will then also be destroyed, vanishes does not see.
Kills a person and takes his possessions, the human has killed, if together is buried along with the dead including the wealth, that loses greatly, Jiang Chen practices Dragon Transformation Art, needs the massive treasure and Medicine Pill support, he naturally cannot let off this to plunder the wealth the opportunity, let alone, these person of itself are the pirates, Jiang Chen robs them, does not have the least bit guilty feeling at heart.
But before can achieve the murder, plunders the wealth, is really not many, perhaps also only had Jiang Chen to have such method, must know that the Battle King master in the final moment, can choose self-destruction Qi Hai, will not give the match the opportunity.