Preservation and conservation
a. Laws 16 USC 431 through 433, and 470, as amended require the preservation of objects of historical significance to the U.S. Army and to the American people. Extreme care must be taken to prevent the loss, damage, or destruction of historical artifacts or artwork.
b. The deterioration of historical artifacts and works of art will be minimized through the use of good preservation and conservation practices according to prescribed museum standards. Conservation encompasses that which preserve or prolong the life of museum objects. Preservation or preventive conservation prevents further deterioration by stabilizing the environment and controlling the causes of deterioration.
c. The CMH will be the final ruling authority for any disputes or
controversies resulting from improper care of historical artifacts.
d. Historical artifacts and works of art must be maintained in a
stable environment.
( 1 ) T e m p e r a t u r e w i l l b e m a i n t a i n e d a t 6 8 d e g r e e F a h r e n h e i t
(within a range of plus or minus 5 degrees).
(2) The Rh will be maintained at 50 percent (within a range ofplus or minus 5 percent).
(3) Temperature and Rh should be maintained within the acceptable range on a 24-hour basis, with no more than a 5 degree and a 5 percent variation. The environment in which artifacts are maintained should be free from repeated daily and seasonal fluctuations of the exterior weather conditions. Temperature and Rh will be monitored and recorded. Maintain records for at least 2 years to verify stability of environment.