Let's DO this! You dive into the weekend pumped to tackle a big project or meet a grand goal. Not so fast, Leo. On Saturday, the moon in your ambitious tenth house will form a tense polarity with restrictive Saturn. Domestic duties and distractions could get in the way, or your mission could be sidetracked by family demands. (Can't these people figure anything out without you?) There IS a silver lining behind these delays: perhaps you're moving too quickly. Pause, assess your master plan and make sure you're building on a solid foundation. Are you dragging past baggage into your new endeavors? On Sunday, you may need to do some air-clearing closure work. As the Sun forms a tense square to radical changemaker Uranus, there will be no stemming the tide of brutal honesty. Be careful before you go all Jack Nicholson on 'em, Leo ("You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!"). Remember, if you dish that out, you'll have to be prepared to take it.