I hope you are well.
So sorry for my late reply.
I would like to inform you about the latest price, however unfortunately we don't have CBD of the below parts.
Now buyer is asking SGM to prepare CBD, so after getting them, I will provide you as soon as possible.
DA6C58510:$16.97 (SC timing $14.14)
DA6C59510:$16.97 (SC timing $14.14)
DA6C72510:$15.75 (SC timing $11.23)
DA6C73510:$15.75 (SC timing $11.23)
At the same time, unwillingly we have recognized huge price increases from SC timing to the latest.
I can guess some of these gap come from the increase of package spec and sequence cost but too expensive.
Therefore we are going to get CBD and negotiate with SGM until MP.
So please provide us the CBD of J03F.