Hi Ekjittra,
Hope you are looking forward to the end of the spring semester.
I am following up on my voicemail I just left you. I am reaching out because as of last week you had not yet RSVP for the required pre-departure online orientation for your GLA study aboard trip to Italy.
If you have not yet done so please RSVP now! The details are below.
Your attendance is REQUIRED at ONE of the following THREE meetings. If you cannot make any of the following meetings, contact Kevin Brent Forman, Study Abroad Coordinator at Kforman@academyart.edu, to make alternative arrangements to discuss what you missed.
Indicate which session you will attend.
Subject: LA Study Abroad 2015 Pre-Departure Meeting ONE - April 27th @ 3:00pm
When: Monday, April 27, 2015 15:00-16:00.
Where: https://live4.academyart.edu/lastudyabroadinfo/
Subject: LA Study Abroad 2015 Pre-Departure Meeting TWO - April 28th @ 12:00pm
When: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 12:00-13:00.
Where: https://live4.academyart.edu/lastudyabroadinfo/
Subject: LA Study Abroad 2015 Pre-Departure Meeting THREE - April 30th @ 3:00pm
When: Thursday, April 30, 2015 15:00-16:00.
Where: https://live4.academyart.edu/lastudyabroadinfo/
If you have any question about this please email Kevin Forman directly.