Compels itself limit, is realizes from experience the principle crudest, is the most effective way.
Seven six thousand Li (0.5 km), seven seven thousand Li (0.5 km), seven eight thousand Li (0.5 km).
Lin Ming speed continues to reduce, to seven nine thousand Li (0.5 km), is the depth of first arrival.
Under this depth, Lin Ming felt that was places oneself the star deep place simply likely, the flame early turned into the pure light, was heated up because of the particulate matter to the high temperature of being hard imagining, but burst out flaminged an item of glare!
These strong photoemission on the body of Lin Ming, by Lin Ming within the body is flooding spirit surname fire Yuan Qi fusion, **, this is manifestation of Shape-shifting Intent Domain.
To this depth, Lin Ming also felt that the huge pressure, his protecting body Yuan, was compressed to the body around really less than three inches (2.54 cm) place, moreover as if because of not being able to withstand heavy pressure, but ka makes noise.
The Lin Ming thought sinks, the psychic force relates to Heretical God Sprout, opened Heretical God Force!
At that moment, three flame leaves of Heretical God Sprout simultaneously bloom the bright glory, Lin Ming is similar to a meteor of combustion, has fired into eighth directly!
Along with a thunder, eighth space barrier was dashed by Lin Ming, at that moment, his true enter Fire Prison eighth!!
( Plot about divine beast mystical place, can be a Divine Realm plot big transition, recently therefore wrote is quite slow, many plots must comb, this big transition will be very interesting, asking respectfully everybody to anticipate.)
( To be continued.)