“When I look at a landscape, I don’t see a landscape. I see a snippet within it,” says Australia native Lara Miller (@lovewalkeatsee). Lara has a degenerative eye condition that causes tunnel vision, which means she sees the world through a tight circle. But through her unique view, she notices things others might miss. Lara and her husband, David (@chiefmillso), are currently traveling through Europe and Southeast Asia. When the couple watches a sun rise, they look in different directions and later share their alternate viewpoints. “I turn my back and look at the colors playing across the building and the sky and the long shadows — the golden glow off everything,” she says.
Lara says it is unknown if and when she will lose her vision entirely. “In many ways, I kind of feel like the awareness of a precious thing deteriorating, my vision, has actually made me far more aware of little details, appreciating the small joys every day,” she says.
Photo by @lovewalkeatsee