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Challenges faced by a nurse in the workplace
One of the most challenging professions is that of a nurse. In addition to the compassion and the inclination to help the needy persons in general and the patients in particular, a nurse is expected to have some special qualities that the work profile demands.
If you chose engineering as a profession or law as a profession, you have a specific assignment and a well-defined plan of action on a day-to-day basis. But that is not the case in the nursing profession.
The moment the nurse enters into the work spot, he or she can not just settle down to the routine or assigned job and go about doing it at a leisurely pace.
A nurse should equip himself or herself to face these challenges and be on top of the tasks, without losing track of the basic responsibility of ensuring general care of the patients needing attention.
The nurse should have expertise in the area of multi-tasking. It is but common that the nurse will be interrupted more frequently by one or the other things. At times, the interruption will also be interrupted. The nurse, on duty, should not get lost in the interruptions and should be aware of the jobs on hand and ensure that there is no mistake in the work that has been entrusted. In simple terms, as a shrewd nurse, he or she should be capable of handling multi-tasking.
It is but natural for a person to get frustrated or impatient when disturbed with frequent interruptions. This frustration might turn out to anger or loss of concentration some times. The nurse should not lose concentration or let frustration take over, that might result in mistakes or lack of compassion. As a nurse, one is expected to be compassionate, have a smiling face, and be kind in treating the patients and taking note of their pains and problems. Thus, a nurse should be capable of multi-tasking and at the same time be compassionate enough and not get frustrated.
The nurse should display a sense of confidence while dealing with the patients. Even though, as a nurse, you are aware of the condition of the patient and the likely outcome, you should not let it known to the patient from your face or other activities. It has been found that the patients, desperate about their health condition and wanting to get relief from the disease, will be looking for more cues from the behavior of the nurse to get some confidence about themselves and their state of disease. According to research, only about 7% of the communication between the patient and the nurse is through words and another 38% in the form of para-verbal, which means the tone of the speech, the rhythm of the speech, the volume of the speech and also the emphasis on the words uttered in the conversation. In total, only 45% of the communication is in word format and the rest 55% is non-verbal. If the nurse shows up a panicky face or some sort of mistake in extending care and assistance to the patient, then the patient might get panicky and start worrying more about the ailment. This will demoralize the patient and will result in probably aggravating the disease or other consequences.
As a nurse, one should be very careful in handling the patients, ensuring their general care and well-being and should not give any negative clues either to the patient or the family members around the patient.
These are some of the challenges that a nurse needs to face on a day-to-day basis in the designated work spot. All these challenges can be overcome and you can still enjoy working as the nurse because if you dedicate yourself with sincerity, then the smiling face of the patient will give you the best satisfaction of having made an impact on a patient’s life. And the pains and challenges you, as a nurse, faced are nothing in front of the satisfaction.
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