Instructional comics implemented in this study were created by the researchers in cooperationwith science education specialists. At first, main comic character who is a repairman wasdefined. As the occupation, repairman was preferred since he is a problem solver in thereal life situations. In the next step, scenarios of six episodes were written by the researchers.Then, each episode was drawn, colored by using drawing hardware and software. Finally, speech balloons were written with a computer software. In each episode, a repairman wholives in a small town solves people's daily problems, while explaining concepts of heat,conduction, convection, radiation, insulation and so on. After creating initial versions of thecomics, they were piloted in a small group of students in a public elementary school in orderto get their suggestions for final version of the comics. In the pilot implementation, theteacher and the students mostly suggested that the amount of text in the comics should bedecreased. They also suggested that interactivity should be increased in the implementation of instructional comics. With respect to the feedback from the pilot study