Epidemiology: The younger age groups are most often affected, because of the traumatic nature of the lesion. Both sexes are affected equally in most literature. Recent studies by Jani et al. (2010) report a male prevalence of 36 patients with a male-to-female ratio of 1.77:1 and a vast age range of 6 years to 66 years in age with a mean age of 23.55. Studies by Chi et al. (2011) reported no significant gender predilection in a much larger population of 1,715 confirmed oral mucoceles but also reported a similar age range of 24.9 years. Other studies by Hayashida et al. (2010) in a group of 173 patients report a female predilection with most patients in the second decade of life. Seventy-eight percent of these patients reported previous trauma, and the site was the lower lip area.