4.3 Sustainability
One of the key aims of any improvement activity is to
ensure that the changes that have been undertaken are
sustained over the longer period and allow for
continuous improvement. Staff were therefore asked to
identify what was required in order to ensure that the
improvements would be sustained over the longer
period and what would be needed to allow
For Pottery staff highlighted that they hoped that there
would be a blurring of boundaries between the Trust
and other related organisations including social
services/community organisations, opportunity for
further rapid improvements using a series of short sharp
quick improvement events, that staff could develop
more skills, more patient focus and give more
opportunity to reflect.
In terms of improvement activities that were seen as
being sustained it was hoped that the methodology of
the RIEs would stick. Although, it was acknowledged
that RIEs may not well be because they require a lot of
follow up events to ensure that improvements are being
undertaken. In order to facilitate the sustainability of the
improvements, it was noted that; team leaders need to
be developed so they see improvement as part of their
role, communication of the changes via team briefs and
newsletters needs to be better and, staff need time and
training away from their department to develop team
working skills, to motivate improvement in order to
improve care and structural change.
For Iron it was highlighted by staff that in order to
sustain improvements, there was a need to keep people
in post and focused on the improvement, via
appropriate communication channels, keep ideas and
enthusiasm until the new way becomes the way of
working. “Need to get Lean into front line so live it rather
than use it.” This was supported by strong cohesive
leadership by engaging both senior and middle
managers, implementing project management
supported by a Head of Service Improvement who
ensured that change was undertaken for right reasons,
measured, demonstrated and, celebrated where
successful. “To sustain there is the need for ownership
and skills at the right level, support to make decisions,
monitoring the implementation of change and seeing
which ones actually work and make a difference and
designating people to monitor the effectiveness of
changes and implement.”
Similar to Iron within Ring the majority of staff
interviewed believed there was a future for Lean in the
Trust and highlighted potential projects. “I think that if
Lean is adopted and becomes an inherent part of this
organisation, it will deliver a lot to the stakeholders and
service users. It will reduce waste and add value.” The
key elements mentioned to ensure continuing service
improvement were; more clarity around staff
accountability, visible leadership, better communication,
internal facilitators or Lean champions and training.
“There is a need for more internal champions in the
directorates to take this forward. It should not be CCU’s
responsibility…. they can facilitate change, but the day
to day people need to drive this”.