a) Working area shall be barricaded with proper devices and warning signs.
b) Prior to the start of work ensure that the following items checked by SCC's supervisor.
c) Work permit are approved and present at site.
d) Daily Toolbox talks on the day actions and explains method statement to all workers.
e) All contractors working beneath or in close proximity to the lifting operations shall be cleared and they are
barricaded off.
f) All equipment expected to be used shall be inspected & approved by SEG(T)/IRPC
g) Workers shall wear personal protective equipment as specified on attached sheet No.I.
h) Banks man for crane shall wear reflective vest.
i) SCC's supervisor and safety officer shall be present at all time during erection works.
j) Provide safe working platform (scaffolding, man basket or man cage, walk way) around working Location and shall be inspected before use. Personnel working form man baskets must wear safety Harnesses, attached directly to crane hook. Man-baskets shall be designed/cert ified by SCC Professional Engineer.
k) The sharp corners or portion of the load susceptible to damage must be applied with leather jacket receive
webbing slings to prevent any damage on the load and slings.
I) Prior to the start of hot work ensures that appropriate fire blankets, fire extinguisher safety equipment is in
position and ready for immediate use, also fire-watch man assigned.
m) Lifting study for equipment which lifting weight over 10 tons, unbalance or tandem lifting method shall be
submitted and approved before start of work. Standard safety lifting will performed at all lifting operation