Products/production Enquiry
From Ms Roseline WilfredAdd contact
Reply-To sales01instinet@inbox.ruAdd contact
Date Sun 18:10
Message 3 of 133 < > change-formatchange-format
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Ms. Roseline Wilfred and I‘m contacting you on behalf of Instinet Singapore Services Pte Ltd.
I am writing to inquire more about your products/production as seen in your website.
I would also like to have an idea about the different models, features, and options. Also please tell me about the available prices, bulk order discounts, warranty, delivery, and credit payment option.
I appreciate if you could also enlighten me on the other alternatives that might also suit our needs. I look forward to your response.
Best Regards.
Ms. Roseline Wilfred
Marketing Manager.
Instinet Singapore Services Pte Ltd.
10 Marina Boulevard #36-02 Marina Bay Financial Centre, Tower 2
Singapore 018983 Tel: +65 6867 0057