The dark clouds capping, the electric light ripples, the sturdy silver thunder and lightning condenses more and more, the entire Asura Palace Hall people were scared.
Whiz whiz whiz
Incomparably tyrannical forms flushed from Asura Palace Hall, all Battle King masters all appeared, 13 grand guardians all come, Xiao Nan Feng and that white hair elder simultaneously panic-stricken is looking at the sky billowing turbulent thunder clouds, does not know that had anything.
„What's the matter? Is who crosses the disaster in Asura Palace Hall?”
Liu Elder calls out in alarm.
„Momentum was too big, may alarm Palace Master and Big Elder that the depth closes up.”
Another elder opens the mouth saying that Asura Palace Hall Palace Master and Big Elder that is the true Battle Emperor master, the tyrannical degree is immeasurably deep.
Suddenly, the mutation breaks out, the thick boundless thunder clouds, vanished to disappear suddenly, but the weather is very as before dim, what is more surprising, although the thunder clouds vanished, but that formidable pressure was getting more and more heavy, all people can also clear hears the deafening thunderous sound.
„What's the matter?”
Three grand guardians have also called out in alarm, does not know that actually this had anything.
„Hell is cold, Heavenly Tribulation went to the hell to be cold, what did the quick past have a look to have?”
Xiao Nan Feng is unable to maintain calm, although Asura Palace Hall is the Liang State big faction, but compares to existences of Divine Land these jumbos, the disparity is enormous, let alone is they, even if their Palace Master, formidable Battle Emperor master, has not experienced Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation, that is supreme existence, always only then promotes Great Saint from Lesser Saint time will arrive, or Great Saint flying immortal time will arrive, the ordinary member is impossible to see that but currently has true Heavenly Tribulation to arrive to Asura Palace Hall, moreover directly entered to the hell cold firm different degree space, this was too shocking, almost did not need to want, In some people coldly were definitely firm in the hell cross to plunder.
Heavenly Tribulation nowhere does not reach, the world is very big, the potential surface like Saint Yuan Continent does not know to have many, each potential surface, each space presents the thing of monstruous talent time, will arrive at Heavenly Tribulation, therefore, hell cold firm, although is in other space, is as before difficult to run away Heavenly Tribulation, so long as Jiang Chen releases own aura, can bring in Heavenly Tribulation at any time.
At this moment, in the hell is coldly firm, is the thunder has wreaked havoc, the sky everywhere is the thunder clouds, is waving like the python same lightning sturdily unceasingly, as if momentarily must cut down, the entire space fiercely rocked, the space has many cracks, momentarily must be torn.
The thunder clouds are very thick, above the thunder clouds by Jiang Chen top of the head is sincere, clearly, so long as is not the fool can look that this Heavenly Tribulation is Jiang Chen initiates.
„Day, is Heavenly Tribulation, he has initiated Heavenly Tribulation unexpectedly, only has Great Saint to initiate Heavenly Tribulation, his just Battle King then has initiated Heavenly Tribulation, went against heaven's will so the situation unexpectedly, making people be hard to imagine.”
„It is not wonderful, he must cross the disaster here, when he crossed the disaster to end, perhaps the entire hell cold firm must be destroyed was clean.”
„We what to do? Can get rid to stop him?”
„You were insane, Heavenly Tribulation has the multi- terrors you not to hear, is under Heavenly Tribulation, will then punish itself, the heaven will lower own Heavenly Tribulation, almost must die without doubt.”
Asura Palace Hall Battle King have shocked, they turn toward from the beginning get rid directly grinding kill Jiang Chen, has not actually thought that Jiang Chen really has this, must in this hell is coldly firm crosses the disaster, as the matter stands, who also dares to get rid, perhaps is Palace Master of Battle Emperor rank appears, does not dare to move Heavenly Tribulation, must know, once were covered by Heavenly Tribulation, will stimulate own disaster, this disaster lowers according to the strong and weak of member himself strength, does not do well, Battle Emperor must die.
„My God, unexpectedly is Heavenly Tribulation, Brother Jiang really went against heaven's will.”