People around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before. Information
and money flow more quickly than ever. That makes everything easier to communicate. But
the results and consequences will follow this is unavoidable. As the world grows more
connected through the Internet and greater international trade, globalization is becoming
more important.
Nick (March, 2014)’’ Controversy and Discussion’’ Demy, Inc. Built on the Genesis
Framework, cons-of- globalization/
Globalization has largely been made possible by advances in technology, particularly the
Internet. It’s easy to assume that globalization is an entirely modern phenomenon driven by
inventions like the telegraph or the Internet. There are many pros and cons of globalization,
ranging from economic benefits to a freer, more equal labor market. Free trade reduces the
barriers that once stood between nations trading freely with one another. But whether it is
good or bad for the world, it still requires a change in something new.