In this study, three categories of perceptual information have been proposed that play different roles in presenting their applications for facilitating user-product interaction. This study tried to explore how the information applies to product design through analyzing the information of parts for the specific operational tasks. We found a primary model of how the different information presented their applications that are significant for the various types of entities of a product. The types of entities proposed in this study may be able to be extended to all kinds of products. It should be noted that this study purely focused on the visual information. It is worth to investigate further the types of entities in different kinds of products and other types of product information, such as sounds, to complement and strengthen the deficiencies of the model. The primary model can be developed further to an evaluation model for evaluating whether the information is sufficient for the parts in a product or not. As mentioned above, this would be contributive for designing and improving user-product interaction as design references.