„Goes, gives you to be in charge this thing, making him come out to greet us immediately, we only wait for three minutes, if not come out, we walk.”
A Jiang Chen meeting, a small jade bottle had been flung by him conveniently, this jade bottle is the golden color, is sending out the weak golden ray, falls before the body of that good chap directly, the good chap received, only the sleep goes well sinks, spreads a faint trace pure firm strength from the bottle, it seems like in is really any treasure.
„You, you and other.”
The good chaps said that turned head to enter in a day building, after turning around, in did not forget to whisper: „Damn, dares to hit the human in a day building, I told the steward, tore to shreds you surely.”
An attic in day building, in a huge discussing official business hall, wears the old man of ash-gray long gown to sit well above a rattan chair, in the hand carries one cup to brave the white smoke the tea, looks completely relaxed, very enjoys.
He is a building steward of this day, can only be the youngest steward, cultivation of 5-Tier Battle King is, the average person could not have stirred up.
At this time, good chap flustered walked from outside.
„Why flustered, a custom does not have, this place is you rushes directly?”
The old men are scolding one to the good chap.
„Liu Manager, outside came three avid followers, comes up to hit our people, but also threatened that must make you get down to meet him personally.”
The good chaps open the mouth saying that then said the matter that beside front door had in detail.
„Snort! Really thing of acting recklessly, dares to act unruly in a day building unexpectedly, where also does not have a look at this is.”
Liu Manager cold snort, on face reappears the anger to come, although the gate guard is not anything, but also is the day a person in building, has hit the gate guard, that has hit a face of day building.
„The boy added that makes me show you this thing that said that if three minutes you do not get down to greet him personally, he was direct.”
In good chap's hands in hand jade bottle the hand of Liu Manager, Liu Manager, received the jade bottle, when he turns on the jade bottle, immediately felt strength of the Chunyang from overflows, he finds out Spiritual knowledge skill, after seeing in the jade bottle the thing of splendid attire, the complexion changes instantaneously, his Huo stands from the seat, was saying to the good chap loudly: „This person where?”
„Also in out of the door.”
The good chaps stare, has not thought that Liu Manager suddenly will have the so big response, what that jade bottle internal installation is really any priceless treasure is inadequate.
The pricelessness is the affirmation, because in that jade bottle the splendid attire, is drop of true Nine Sun Holy Water, Nine Sun Holy Water world rare, is the genuine halidom, a drop sufficiently transforms the physique of person, with the pricelessness described that is also the natural matter.
The good chap voice just fell, the Liu Manager whole person disappeared to disappear, the good chap has hit quickly grasping the meaning of something, this realized one have possibly caused trouble, offended should not the person of offending, their clearest this Liu Manager disposition, can make his greater part of the night have the so big response, fully explained future was not simple.
Outside a day front door, the Jiang Chen air/Qi calms down idly, a self-confidence of face, so long as building of this day is not a fool, after seeing Nine Sun Holy Water, certainly will come out to greet itself, this business, a day building , if not do, the person who wants to be has.
Nine Sun Holy Water precious, Jiang Chen is clear, but regarding Jiang Chen, Nine Sun Holy Water at is not anything, initially in the Nangong aristocratic family, the trivial handle Tiansheng Sword breaking sword can create Nine Sun Holy Water to come to the Nangong aristocratic family, now Jiang Chen has three interruption swords, nine Yang Xuangong display, so long as he wants, momentarily can cause Nine Sun Holy Water.