Results (
Indonesian) 1:
100:00:00, 039--> 00:00:06, 487{a6} Silakan lakukan tidak hardsub dan/atau aliran iniepisode menggunakan sub-judul bahasa Inggris kami.200:00:00, 039--> 00:00:06, 487Dibawa ke Anda oleh dengan S2Ditulis dalam langit Subbing skuad300:00:07, 478--> 00:00:08, 223Apa yang terjadi?400:00:16, 246--> 00:00:17, 289Apa yang terjadi?500:00:17, 899--> 00:00:19, 383Mereka mulai itu!600:00:19, 736--> 00:00:20, 352Ya!700:00:20, 444--> 00:00:21, 932Apa yang Anda maksud dengan berkelahi?800:00:32, 584--> 00:00:33, 859Kim Yushin?900:00:34, 342--> 00:00:37, 006Saya minta maaf.Ini adalah semua salahku... Pasti...1000:00:37, 071--> 00:00:38, 969Anda dan saya akan pergi ke benteng Ham Sok.1100:00:41, 739--> 00:00:47, 310Namun, ia dan klan ditetapkan di bawah saya.1200:00:48, 115--> 00:00:53, 003Aku masih di sini, namun kau mengatakan padaku bahwaDia dan klan akan menyerang benteng Ham Sok?1300:00:53, 059--> 00:00:56, 393WakakakKlan akan tetap di sini.1400:00:56, 475--> 00:01:01, 247Yushin... Anda dan saya akan menjadi orang-orangberpartisipasi dalam serangan Sok Ham benteng.1500:01:15, 593--> 00:01:18, 969Episode 101600:01:27, 084--> 00:01:28, 747Apa yang terjadi?1700:01:29, 798--> 00:01:31, 737Mengapa?... Hanya saya?1800:01:33, 399--> 00:01:35, 878Kapolri Jenderal harus memiliki ide.1900:01:37, 871--> 00:01:42, 056Untuk menaklukkan Sok Ham Fortress, ini akan menjadi perang berdarah.2000:01:38, 388--> 00:01:41, 274{a6} Sok Ham benteng ~ hari Modern kota Hamyang di Gyeongnam providence.2100:01:44, 079--> 00:01:45, 868Hati-hati.2200:01:46, 072--> 00:01:48, 801{a6} Kim Yushin2300:01:48, 440--> 00:01:51, 417Silahkan lihat setelah bawahan.2400:01:51, 904--> 00:01:54, 821{a6} Kim Seohyeon(Kim Yushin ayah)2500:01:55, 904--> 00:01:58, 351Selalu berjaga-jaga.2600:02:04, 475--> 00:02:07, 047{a6} Deokman(Raja Jinpyeong 2 putridan masa depan Ratu Seondeok)2700:02:05, 596--> 00:02:09, 220Apakah benar bahwa hanya Tuhan Yushinakan pergi, dan tidak kami?2800:02:07, 110--> 00:02:09, 071{a6} Shiyeol2900:02:09, 149--> 00:02:11, 533{a6} (Daepoong) (Gok Saheun)3000:02:09, 298--> 00:02:12, 216Itu benar.Kami akan tinggal di sini dan mempertahankan tempat ini.3100:02:12, 310--> 00:02:14, 443Thats right... Hanya mempertahankan...3200:02:14, 522--> 00:02:16, 937Apakah itu berarti kita tidak harus pergi berperang?3300:02:18, 490--> 00:02:21, 259Kenapa mereka hanya mengambil Yushin Tuhan?3400:02:21, 973--> 00:02:24, 340Apakah karena yang memerangi?3500:02:24, 418--> 00:02:26, 613Anda khawatir terlalu banyak...3600:02:26, 107--> 00:02:29, 338{a6} (Jukbang) (Darijoe)3700:02:27, 101--> 00:02:32, 544Mereka mengatakan serangan ini sangat penting.Jadi mereka mengambil dia karena mereka membutuhkannya.3800:02:34, 555--> 00:02:36, 786Bagaimanapun, ia harus berjuang baik.3900:02:37, 112--> 00:02:41, 997If he can take off the head of an enemy commander,4000:02:42,000 --> 00:02:44,484then he won't be bothering us, right?4100:02:44,531 --> 00:02:45,378Of course not.4200:02:45,472 --> 00:02:47,205Lord Yushin is not that type person.4300:02:47,253 --> 00:02:49,227That's Lord Yushin.4400:02:50,968 --> 00:02:55,031What are you going to do with your reward...?4500:02:58,278 --> 00:03:01,895From the time I met them, I've been unlucky.4600:03:01,971 --> 00:03:03,972{a6}Archeon(one of the ten elite Hwarang)4700:03:02,273 --> 00:03:06,257Because of those wretches, my clan and I won'tbe participating in the battle for Sok Ham Fortress.4800:03:06,356 --> 00:03:09,384For what reason are they taking only Kim Yushin?4900:03:06,446 --> 00:03:08,568{a6}Seokpum5000:03:10,121 --> 00:03:12,552I can't figure out what the Chief General has in mind.5100:03:13,800 --> 00:03:17,518Is he telling us to be under Kim Seohyeon'scommand and defend this place?5200:03:17,737 --> 00:03:20,765Along with those dimwits.5300:03:23,800 --> 00:03:26,512Those idiots...5400:03:31,079 --> 00:03:33,005Those halfwits.5500:03:33,083 --> 00:03:35,012There's all kinds.Aigooo...5600:03:48,335 --> 00:03:53,088{a6}Bojong(Son of Mishil and Seolwonand future Hwarang leader)5700:03:50,076 --> 00:03:54,295Your forearm shield has faded a lot.5800:03:55,723 --> 00:04:03,595Marks on armor, a torn flag... All are signs ofhonor bestowed upon a warrior during war.5900:04:05,878 --> 00:04:12,503For me, the desire to stay alive wasmore important than honor or glory.6000:04:15,234 --> 00:04:16,890You must live.6100:04:17,031 --> 00:04:18,867You must survive and return,6200:04:19,024 --> 00:04:21,863so that you can be at Mishil's side.6300:04:23,980 --> 00:04:25,762For you to live and return,6400:04:25,894 --> 00:04:29,385you must not be afraid of me getting stabbed or killed.6500:04:30,496 --> 00:04:34,625You cannot worry about givingthe dead an honorable procession.6600:04:36,001 --> 00:04:41,791In essence, obtaining more strengthis a reward for staying alive.6700:04:44,646 --> 00:04:47,250Yes... Father.6800:04:54,078 --> 00:04:59,004But... why aren't you asking me?6900:05:00,369 --> 00:05:01,326What?7000:05:01,530 --> 00:05:03,773About Yushin.7100:05:05,294 --> 00:05:07,459You have your reasons, right?7200:05:15,490 --> 00:05:17,184You called for me, General?7300:05:19,334 --> 00:05:24,213Four hours after the troops depart,deliver this letter to Kim Seohyeon.7400:05:21,264 --> 00:05:23,695{a6}Doo Shijin = 4 hours7500:05:26,409 --> 00:05:27,585Yes, General.7600:05:47,937 --> 00:05:51,589Do not be too brazen,and follow Lord Archeon's orders.7700:05:51,699 --> 00:05:52,938Yes, Sir!7800:05:54,208 --> 00:05:57,126In battle, there is no such thing as what's unimportant.7900:05:57,314 --> 00:05:59,573Nor comfort and danger....8000:06:00,263 --> 00:06:03,803Do not forget to always be on guard.8100:06:04,038 --> 00:06:07,536Yes, yes, yes... We understand.8200:06:07,599 --> 00:06:11,982You were also going to say: "Don't fightwith other clans members." ...right?8300:06:12,311 --> 00:06:13,347Yes, Sir!8400:06:13,864 --> 00:06:16,374We'll all follow orders and defend this place.8500:06:16,437 --> 00:06:20,123Don't worry about us.You just go out there and fight well.8600:06:20,233 --> 00:06:23,521Yes, do not worry and come back alive.8700:06:23,694 --> 00:06:24,886Don't get hurt!8800:06:24,964 --> 00:06:26,564You must make your mark of achievement!8900:06:26,627 --> 00:06:29,000Of course, make an achievement.9000:06:29,200 --> 00:06:33,988We want to follow you into battle,but we can't disobey an order.9100:06:34,332 --> 00:06:37,273So, for our sake, please fight well.9200:07:01,884 --> 00:07:04,650Depart!9300:07:52,874 --> 00:07:54,113General!9400:07:54,225 --> 00:07:56,812{a6}Baekje's army encampment9500:07:59,102 --> 00:08:02,819The Shilla army is headed for Sok Ham Fortress.9600:08:04,105 --> 00:08:07,536{a6}Goo Pae(Baekje army general)9700:08:05,408 --> 00:08:09,089For certain, those wretches are focusedon Sok Ham Fortress.
00:08:09,555 --> 00:08:12,668
Send a detachment of troops to Sok Ham Fortress,
00:08:12,896 --> 00:08:15,229
and report back to me on their troop movements.
00:08:15,312 --> 00:08:16,107
Yes, Sir.
00:08:30,965 --> 00:08:33,789
I believe there is a Baekje spy following us.
00:08:33,891 --> 00:08:36,361
I'll take my men and go capture the spy.
00:08:36,542 --> 00:08:38,118
It's OK.
00:08:40,130 --> 00:08:41,463
I'm already aware.
00:08:41,525 --> 00:08:42,389
00:08:42,545 --> 00:08:43,895
Then how come... ?
00:08:44,082 --> 00:08:46,718
Have you ever heard of Ban Gan Gae tactic?
00:08:44,961 --> 00:08:49,118
{a6}Ban Gan Gae
(Tactic of causing an enemy spy to report false movements.)
00:08:58,608 --> 00:09:00,998
Chief General wanted me to pass this on to you.
00:09:03,450 --> 00:09:06,268
You may leave.
00:09:34,313 --> 00:09:36,838
1... 2... 3
00:09:58,680 --> 00:10:02,241
Aigoo... Working hard, working hard...
00:10:02,350 --> 00:10:05,690
With that little resolve,
how can you go into battle?
00:10:05,864 --> 00:10:09,242
You guys are just... really irritating!
00:10:09,446 --> 00:10:11,556
Did you even know what a Hwarang is, huh?
00:10:11,682 --> 00:10:17,015
If there is a war,
then we're the first ones to go into battle.
00:10:13,372 --> 00:10:16,290
{a6}San Tak
00:10:17,093 --> 00:10:21,882
So much stabbing and killing, after a while
we can't even tell anymore who is friend or foe.
00:10:21,992 --> 00:10:26,039
And since we're all mixed together,
we just continue to stab and kill.
00:10:26,778 --> 00:10:31,623
...that heavy feeling of enemy blood on my sword.
00:10:28,564 --> 00:10:30,949
{a6}Hyeop Song
00:10:32,005 --> 00:10:37,229
After fighting awhile,
all of a sudden it becomes just dead silent.
00:10:37,574 --> 00:10:41,541
All you see is dead bodies
all over the battlefield.
00:10:41,652 --> 00:10:45,792
Without thinking or remorse,
you just jump and run.
00:10:45,903 --> 00:10:48,113
And... there is no end in sight..
00:10:48,319 --> 00:10:52,960
The battlefield is littered everywhere
with your friends and brothers.
00:10:53,279 --> 00:10:57,304
Then all of a sudden, the sky turns black.
00:10:57,357 --> 00:10:59,908
The bodies have a kind of smell...
00:11:00,102 --> 00:11:02,681
Crows start to gather.
00:11:03,454 --> 00:11:11,921
But, some of the crows just wait around
and watch the fallen soldiers... for a long time.
00:11:12,636 --> 00:11:14,080
Do you know why?
00:11:14,158 --> 00:11:16,922
They are waiting until the breathing stops.
00:11:19,497 --> 00:11:21,766
This one knows something.
00:11:21,829 --> 00:11:28,188
After they verify death... bang!
00:11:29,678 -->
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