At 23 years old Kathleen Kye was the youngest member in the class of 2011 MA menswear program at the Central St. Martins in London. Her style represents new fun-loving menswear shape, much distinguished from conventional patterns. Kye first revealed herself before media at CSM BA graduate fashion shows three years ago, in 2009, surprising with a unique collection overflowing with personality, titled the Body Collection. Kye's inspiration sources for her collection are coming from her dreams, streets and friends. Eventually, Kye aspires to become an artistic fashion designer by expanding her interests to other related areas, such as the design and fine arts. She believes she can provide a new dimension in fashion design by becoming herself a pop icon. In 2010, she appeared in Follow Me, a Korean cable TV program that introduced a new social networking format in fashion styling and design. She also ultimately launched her KYE brand.
Born in
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Live in
Seoul, Korea
Professional background
Class of 2011 MA fashion Central Saint Martins school of art and design
Current projects?
Director of KYE (KATHLEEN KYE)
A highlight in your career?
"Collaboration with adidas HK.Selected as concept korea designers
Where does the inspiration come from?
"Usually from my dreams and from streets and friends."
Favorite designers?
"So many! can not pick one!"
The style of your creations?
"I try to take some serious themes and issues to something light and beautiful."
The key-word of your style?
"Witty, casual, rude
A special thanks to…
"My parents, Louise Wilson OBE, Joonil
Favorite colors?
Favorite materials?
Fashion today is ...
"So diverse yet so similar".