Dear Archarn Pun,
Many greetings from Bangkok, and i would like to wish you and all
other teachers in our MM-OD Class belated Merry Christmas and very
Happy New Year 2014!
As you have learned from MS. Seinn' email, she has sent to you the AU
Databases access instructions. After this, i will send everyone the
course outline for MMOD 6808 shortly.
In the meantime, i would you like request you and everyone in class,
through you, to set up their Internet access account for the AU
Journal Databases, as explained by Ms Seinn.
This will help you and all others in the class to prepare for the MMOD
6808 subject, in which this subject is about research proposal
What i exactly want everyone in class to do is to download 10
Organisational Development related articles and to start reading them,
as well as making a short summary for each article (1-2 pages is
The topics of the articles can be of your and their own choice of
interest, but it should be related to your or their work in Montfort
College, and/or possibly problems they encountered in their daily
This will help give ideas to you all for possible topic of the
research proposal, that you have to complete within this class (MMOD
6808). And the final presentation will have to be in front of an OD
Committee, which consist of four members.
Please kindly have the above assignment completed and ready to submit
to me by January 17th in our first evening class.
If you have any questions, please ring or email me.
Best regards and see you all soon!