Service learning: A case-study examining positive and negative influences on higher education faculty
Reavy, Kathleen. The University of Utah, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2003. 3102861.
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The purpose of this research was, first, to study why a professor would implement and then continue to use a service learning methodology and, second, to study how a professor is shaped by service learning experiences. An in-depth case-study design was used to study the impacts of personal and contextual factors on one higher education professor implementing service learning in her classroom. Interviews, observations, and document reviews were used to gather data. The focal point for this study was a professor of a senior-level Nursing Leadership and Management course who successfully incorporated a service learning methodology and continues to do so. This study investigated the expert service learning professor and her interactions with students, peer faculty, and administrators. Institutional constraints, instructional considerations, and individual variables, including her motivations to successfully continue using a service learning methodology, were also examined. Findings, based on the four research questions that guided the current study, included the following: strong personal values are important motivating forces; student resistance is a negative factor; institutional constraints, including promotion and tenure policies, are influential to implementation; and communication with faculty peers is a factor in implementation. Insights and themes have potential value for higher education faculty, especially nursing educators and others in health disciplines