Strong and highly significant correlations were observed among
weight loss, pH, titratable acidity and TSS in control and S/G coated
tomatoes (Table 4) which are the consequences of ripening effect.
Additionally, S/G/L coated tomatoes showed significant and
positive correlation for ascorbic acid with weight loss and pH and
negative correlation with titratable acidity. Ascorbic acid also had
significant positive correlation with weight loss and pH in S/G/L/A.
Since ascorbic acid initially increased upto 16th day and then
decreased whereas pH showed continuous rise, there was positive
and significant correlation between pH and ascorbic acid in S/G and
S/G/L/A. Interestingly, relationships among different parameters
were subdued in S/G/L/A coated tomatoes. It can be inferred from
the correlations that lipid and antioxidant brought changes in the
quality characteristics of tomatoes on storage.