Altruism in the most basic sense is to affect Mnafk benefits to others, to love your brother as you even more than you love yourself, you can give your brother like or give yourself more than Wbaltbyr written in books: to prefer yourself benefits others desire in the favor of God.
To talk about altruism does not have to talk about the right Almighty prophet peace be upon him and the scientists. We love God, they must have evidence to prove its existence love signs, the signs of altruism is created, how God loves everyone selfish can only see himself and known only by His almighty can order the Ywjeah Argus to love it, he says: "people say that if (you Tuhebuawna Allaaha Faataabeuwney Yuhbebkumu Allahu Wayaghfer lakum Dhunuwbakum Waallaahu Ghafuwrun Raaheym." And God created the will of the nation, how does not Ataabh in this creation.