Why people drink alcohol
What is Alcohol ?
It is a depressant. It slows down your brain and this affects the way you think, feel and behave. Alcohol is a drug and can be toxic. Beer, wine and spirits all contain different amounts of alcohol
Why people drink ?
"Drinking is cool ?
Alcohol is often served at social gatherings. Many believe that alcohol instills a sense of social confidence and promotes relaxation in the company of others.
How Alcohol Affects the Body?
I think it very bad. Alcohol is distributed throughout the body, affecting the brain and other tissues, until it is completely metabolized.
Another reason for alcohol consumption is stress reduction. It will the way to alleviate our stress. Self-medication for other problems carries over to alcohol ingestion. Alcohol can ease physical , emotional pain and drinking keeps warm when it's cold out .
Nevertheless, the consumption of alcohol carries a risk of adverse health and social consequences related to its intoxicating, toxic and dependence-producing properties