The scale for suicidal ideation
The scale for suicidal ideation (SSI) was used to measure suicidal ideation. In this study , the SSI self-repot version translated into Korea by Park and Shin (1991) was used . It is a19-item clinician-rating scale that is presented in a semistructured interview formate. The original version was traslated into korean and modified to a 19-item self-report questionnarie by Park and Shin (1991)for convenience in applying in clinical settings. It has been used for Korean adolescents by Park and Shin (1991),with a Cronbach is alpha coefficient of .87. Each itemonsists of three options , which are rated on a 3 -point scale from 0 to 2. The total score (rang =0-38) wasbcalculated by summing the 19 ratings. Higher scores indicate a higher level of suicidality. The cronbach is alpha coefficient in this study was.90.