Never achieved the Megapolitan it took Teamwork
Jakarta, Jia Xiang-the main Constrains Law pebentukan Megapolitan area governance there is a tendency to distinguish color jacket so hard-working.Thus Senior researcher Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI) told Jia Xiang Hometown on Tuesday (25/4/14)
in Jakarta."The law will be difficult because the relationship of cooperation created local governance is now more difficult. Moreover, now that his jacket is different color. The difference in the color of the jacket was the same interregional working relationship makes it difficult to work together. It's to look for terobosanya, "said Siti Zuhro.
Proposed the establishment of the ACT of settlement to resolve the Megapolitan, spatial, the degradation of the environment and the availability of water, water and transportation, congestion, bajir, as well as the institutional issue is indeed the weak until now.
in the autonomous region is unlikely to be a Governor of DKI Jakarta resolve the problem alone. "So should the provincial Government of DKI synergize, berkordinasi and partnered with the national Government, the Government of the Government of West Java and Banten. It is therefore not enough just to sign a cooperation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). But, at the same time directly mapped out how to build a Megapolitan have ever spoken of DKI Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso, "said Siti Zuhro. [For/W5]