In today's global society are moving into the era of technology most people would like the convenience of fast. But do not forget to think about of and health now people come to the attention of health care more Make now the product about facilitation produced to the market very much. People pay attention, as well as Apple Watch Cho answered back for those who want to speed. Comfort. It also makes it possible to see the State-of-the-art fashion items and can also help in matters of health again.
The ideology of the Apple who changed the world of technology. And that they adhere to this, it makes a great brand Apple until today. Perspective in this produce in accordance with the most current because fashion and technology are very important and growing rapidly improving and than social around the world are the materialism.
Capitalism is an economic system to give freedom to the private sector in the selection of the business. Money was an important factor in the production of goods out depending on supply and demand. The average income of the consumer