„Your injury comes compared with Jiang Xiaoyou and this Big Yellow, at is not anything, wants to restore is also very simple matter, only needs”
Master Ran Feng the voice has not said that brow suddenly pressed, afterward, his personal appearance in a flash, the whole person then disappeared in Main Hall, Tan Lang immediately one startled, cultivation of this old Monk for was really immeasurably deep, he stands at present, simply had not seen how the opposite party vanished, in void including Main Hall has not rocked, such cultivation was, even if were Asura Palace Hall Palace Master Li Tian Yang completely cannot achieve.
„Ran Feng, the old friend came.”
Just vanished in Master Ran Feng, beside the Qing Lian mountain then spreads a vigorous sound, reason that it seems like a moment ago Master Ran Feng disappeared suddenly, was induces to come the human.
The imposing manner that Jiang Chen always the voice of person and sends out at will can judge, the future cultivation for is not weak in Master Ran Feng, impressively is also 9-Tier Lesser Saint.
„Is the big Lei Yin Temple person.”
Tyrant opens the mouth to say.
„Does the big Lei Yin Temple person come to here frequently?”
Jiang Chen asked that that sound said a moment ago one came, obviously is not first time comes.
„Hears western region big Lei Yin Temple is Buddhism sacred place, the strength may not guess, the Divine Land Pure Land respected families are not willing to provoke big Lei Yin Temple.”
Tan Lang is startled incomparably, big Lei Yin Temple is a big influence of male tyrant big territory, the peak situated in Divine Continent , at is not Asura Palace Hall that and other small influences can in comparison.
„These years, big Lei Yin Temple comes this frequently, wants to invite the master to join big Lei Yin Temple, but also has promised many advantage, but the masters gave to reject, his Old Man did not have the interest to big Lei Yin Temple, only wants to protect here, because this was the place that the founder kept.”
Tyrant was saying, gaze fell on the body of Qing Lian Old Ancestor.
„We have a look.”
Jiang Chen said.
„It is not good, the master every time will see the big Lei Yin Temple person to open my, even if we exited, so long as the master will not want, we will stand before them, will unable to hear anything that they will say.”
Tyrant shakes the head to say.
Jiang Chen frowns, thought that Master Ran Feng was stranger, big Lei Yin Temple is Buddhism sacred place, supreme existence, will also handle any shameful matter to be inadequate, Master Ran Feng treats the tyrant also master also father, he can feel from the body of Master Ran Feng to tyrant that rare concern and expectation, but the related Qing Lian Old Ancestor matter, he and big Lei Yin Temple matter, does not make tyrant know unexpectedly.
Jiang Chen guessed, reason that big Lei Yin Temple repeatedly comes the Qing Lian mountain to invite Master Ran Feng, definitely has certain goal, otherwise, by existence of big Lei Yin Temple, although 9-Tier Lesser Saint is precious, big Lei Yin Temple will not care, is not worthwhile times to come to invite.
Tyrant said right, takes cultivation of Master Ran Feng and future as, so long as they do not want, talk, even if tyrant stands in the side cannot hear, but tyrant cannot hear, cannot hear on behalf of Jiang Chen, the Mighty Soul Derivation Technique gods and ghosts are not the average person can imagine by far.