Before the internship begins, students must inform the Internships and Careers Office of any physical or mental health problems likely to affect their performance.
No leave of absence for military service or for any other reason will be granted, with the exception of emergency leave which may be authorized at the discretion of EHL.
Students who are absent for illness or accident must provide EHL with a copy of an official medical certificate or any other document attesting the reason for their absence. In case of repeated absences or absences lasting more than three days, the employer must notify EHL.
The internship dates and durations specified in section 1 - Internship Dates and Duration - of this document must be strictly adhered to for the purposes of validating the internship and/or awarding the corresponding credits. Approved absences of more than ten working days (for illness, family problems or acts of God) must be compensated for by an equivalent number of days' work. EHL will check with the employer that this has been done; if not, EHL reserves the right to invalidate the internship and to withhold the corresponding credits