Statistical AnalysisPeroxide and aldehyde data for the CBM were subjected to 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in the generalized linear mixed model framework (GLIMMIX procedure) of the Statistical Analysis System, version 9.3 [38] to determine the significance of temporal effects. Post-hoc Tukey's honestly significant difference pairwise comparison test was used for fatty acid analysis to compare means when omnibus tests indicated significant differences among treatments. Replicate samples served as the experimental units for all statistical analyses (n = 3), and all differences were considered significant at P < 0.05. For analyzing the feeding trial to evaluate production parameters, body weights, and FCR between 2 treatments, 1-way ANOVA with Fisher LSD test for multiple comparisons on GraphPad Prism ver 7.00 [39] was used. Differences were considered significant withP < 0.05.