“My advice is be aware of ‘culture
clash.’ In Britain there is usually
a maximum of two interviews. In
southern Europe they will call you
back for a third or fourth interview.
I lost a very good job in Spain when
I thought they weren’t serious. I
withdrew my application because
they asked me to go for a fourth
interview. Looking back, I now
realise they were doing as they
always do. I behaved wrongly.”
“It’s important to show that you
understand the working culture.
Adapting a similar style of dress to
your co-workers, eating the kind
of food they eat, enjoying similar
activities - these things help to win
trust and respect.”
“Think of yourself as a
cultural chameleon, mirror the
kind of messages you get about
communication and appearance.
People like people who remind them
of themselves, and nobody likes
what they don’t understand.” ■