ME-TH first established as Asia Corporate Office and later added the new function of Sales company in 2015 to expand its business in Thailand and ASEAN area as well as enforcing as corporate service for affiliated companies to meet APAC and MELCO goals. Thank you very much for your continuous contribution to ME-TH in the past year missions.
With both functions to achieve such goals , the Company need to conduct the business with integrity, transparency and operating legally in order to build confidence with stakeholders and relevant parties as a Good Corporate Governance which all employees also can help the company by not committing any unlawful behaviour or violation of Mitsubishi Electric Group Conduct Guidelines.
We have launched ME-Learning system since 2015 with the aim of further heightening the awareness of compliance at the Mitsubishi Electric Group. This program provides summaries of important policies for business conduct that are based on the Guidelines. We hope this program will benefit you.