Well, because of the announcement last night, I had 2 people to contact to confirm the results.
Obviously enough, the two people to contact were Seiji-kun and Gurufu-chan.
Seiji-kun had [Ranked-Up] from a Half-Saint Lord to a Saint Lord Variant. The reason behind the variation was due to him receiving the [Divine Protection of the Demigod of Love] and his physical appearance is somewhat adult-like form now. His current appearance is akin to a rather unhappy, yet rather handsome young man.
Besides the specialties of his class type, his own physical abilities are now higher than the average human, but it's still completely unreasonable to expect him to fight on even terms in physical combat.
It's highly likely that he would lose in terms with an average human that held a job such as [Job-Knight].
Because of his healing and defensive capabilities, combined with the fact his mana supply has grown remarkably, I fully intend to have him work even harder in the future.
Aside from that, he also gained a rather interesting ability which allows him to manifest weapons from his [Ogre Orbs].
He is fully able to manifest rustic silver weapons such as a silver mace, shield, and a small amount of golden lining that seem to be decoration.
The shield itself is roughly the size of a buckler with a reflective force field, which can expand according to Seiji-kun's intent.
He certainly didn't have such an ability before, and after some thorough investigations that I had requested, he seems to be able to expand the shield to become as large as Minokichi-kun's Fortress Shield. It also appears that even if it gets that large, the weight remains almost the same. This will certainly allow Seiji-kun to not only protect himself, but also a large number of his fellow comrades.
As for his healing capabilities, they are far stronger than even his defensive capabilities, allowing him to greatly reduce the strain on his compatriots.
As for the mace's ability, I need to say that it's above just being interesting. His mace is a considerably heavy blunt-type weapon that's roughly ten kilos and is far stronger than usual maces. This is probably due to it being a weapon manifested from his [Ogre Orbs].
When it strikes an ally, the mace seems to regenerate the ally's vitality proportional to the amount of damage one would normally receive. He was hesitant at first, but with a bit of force I persuaded him to strike to show visible results.
Of course the mace will still deal damage to the usual enemies and monsters, but the idea of beating a wounded or incapacitated ally with a large mace to help them doesn't sit right with him, or me for that matter.
Even if the blow doesn't result in pain, the impact is still there.
I finally managed to convince him to smash the head of an ally who was covered in wounds, it also took the person in question being directly ordered by me to stand still. The result, his wounds all over his body were more or less healed. We determined that if the blow would be akin to a fatal strike, the ratio of healing would be far greater than normal.
Yeah... It still doesn't really look right.
As for Gurufu-chan, she [Ranked-Up] from a Ghoul into a Fimerotto Variant. Similar to before when she was a Ghoul species, she still looks pale with lifeless skin and black hair, and her black [Ogre Tattoos] haven't changed. But you can certainly say that her physical appearance and body structure have become more elegant. It is almost as if she has become a beautiful doll.