A Heliconius melpomene melpomene stock from Darie´n, Panama
(Fig. 1), was inbred through five generations of sib mating. We
sequenced a single male to338 coverage (after quality filtering) using
combined 454 and Illumina technologies (Supplementary Information,
sections 1–8). The complete draft genome assembly, which is
269 megabases (Mb) in size, consists of 3,807 scaffolds with an N50
of 277 kb and contains 12,669 predicted protein-coding genes.
Restriction-site-associated DNA (RAD) linkage mapping was used
to assign and order 83% of the sequenced genome onto the 21 chromosomes
(Supplementary Information, section 4). These data permit
a considerably improved genome-wide chromosomal synteny comparison
with the silkmoth Bombyx mori10,11.