That black Divine Light is scratching near the Xiao Moxian right half the body perpendicular incidence horizon, has torn the Xiao Moxian clothing.
„Lin Ming!?”
The Xiao Moxian fright just decides, pulled open own person Lin Ming a moment ago, before him, changed the direction, has not stepped on to the energy light beam, can therefore pull open itself!
Before this simply looks like, knew in advance the energy eruption is common.
„His avoided? Is the coincidence?”
Not is only Xiao Moxian, sees this occurrence in Divine Mist Heavenly Elder of divine beast grave, in the mind also flashes through this thought that by an energy burst that must die, unexpectedly by Lin Ming avoided, this is the coincidence can explain?
Divine Mist Heavenly Elder cannot believe that this Tragic Death Valley ground rock is very strange, the sensation root is unpenetrable, even if the big king, is unable to affirm where the next quarter energy eruption appears, does that human youth depend on the what energy?
The Divine Mist Heavenly Elder root without enough time pondered that at this time, Lin Ming has been drawing Xiao Moxian, has flown the Tragic Death Valley precipice!
Under the stretch of Law of Space, enough dozens li (0.5km) high steep stone wall, Lin Ming actually relaxed borrows the strength on stone wall, each leap, is several feet distance.
Energy turbulent current unceasing projects from stone wall, but flash that a Lin Ming as if inconceivable foreknowledge ability, the energy flux projects, he will make the corresponding evasion, even if this energy flux is no exception at his near at hand place eruption!
Under the fearful energy tide, earth and mountain body were torn, bumpy, the crack staggered ground, has black Fire Snake spraying unceasingly, the Demon Essence tide is getting more and more crazy fiercely, Xiao Moxian feels in the inspiration lung no longer is the air, but is the chaotic energy flux!
The energy flux lasing, Lin Ming one time the tumbling above precipice, avoided this perfectly has looked like must one time dash!
But at this time, Xiao Moxian has been startled by Lin Ming is drawing is unable to say a word, so obvious evasion, is not the coincidence can explain that absolutely, Lin Ming is the place that the clear foreknowledge the danger erupted.
Does he achieve?
Xiao Moxian is unable to imagine, she confessed that discussed the sensation and soul formidable degree, had of divine beast soul, not necessarily compared with studying Lin Ming difference many of Divine Dream principle.
But she actually completely cannot feel the position that energy tide erupts.
„Is this later generation, how possible?” In the divine beast grave, Divine Mist Heavenly Elder feels to be unexpected, the performance of Lin Ming, has gone beyond his understanding range completely, is very obvious, the ability that Lin Ming he does not know inevitably, has achieved this point.
The energy tide in continuing, to be opposite to the black high sea that wells up from the divine beast grave deep place, what true danger is these energy light beam that projects from the underground and wall, these roots evade not to be possible to evade.
If can evade these, that this Demon Essence tide insufficient feared!
But Lin Ming, had such foreknowledge ability.
Moving aside, Lin Ming concentrates on, he goes through many places to organize unceasingly, from beginning to end, she grabs the hand of Xiao Moxian.
Was being grasped by the hand of Lin Ming, Xiao Moxian felt one as if have gripped entire world. This is similar to the crazy end, the refuge shelter of security, gives the feeling that can rely on.
The fearful black wave is whipping rock, splashes thousand zhang (3.33 m) high black spray, these spray, by Lin Ming avoided.
The rock was torn by the energy, the under foot of Lin Ming and Xiao Moxian, almost turned into the black sea.
Such scene has continued enough the quarter of an hour time, the energy tide started to weaken, the chaotic energy no longer erupts, Lin Ming and Xiao Moxian stood firm on the rock of precipice bulge together.