I don't know, Laura,' Pa replied. 'You only see Indians when they want you to see them." Day after day Pa drove to the creek. When he had enough logs, he measured the shape of the house on the ground by walking from side to side and front to back. He dug shallow trenches along two sides and rolled two big logs into them. Then he put two strong logs across the first two to make a square. With his axe he made a deep wide cut near the end of each log. The four logs fit together at these cuts. These four strong logs could hold up the new house. All by himself Pa built the house three logs high. Then Ma helped him. Log by log, they built the walls higher while Laura played in the tall grass. One day she heard Pa shout, "Caroline,. be carefull Get out of the way! A big log was falling towards Ma. Pa couldn't stop it. It crashed down, and Ma fell to the ground. Laura and Pa ran to Ma. The log was on her foot. Pa lited it and Ma pulled out her foot. Pa felt her leg, nothing was broken. "Can you move your arms?" he asked. 'Can