Project PrepaidGuarenteed
Job Type
Web Design (Coded - Design and coding required)
Industry / Entity Type
Law Firm
Task Outline
Create a Web Design (Coded - Design and coding required)
Designer must submit HTML/CSS with design
Task Description
I need a web design for a newly established law practice operating as Hallam Legal.
I would like the business to have an internet presence (via a website) essentially for the purpose of marketing and advertising. As the business grows (hopefully) I may be interested in providing general legal information as a means of establishing goodwill in the community and a easy and user friends contact method through the website.
The essence of the business is personal legal service based on local knowledge and therefore i want the website to present a picture of friendly professionalism, but mostly i want people who to be able to find the contact details of the business
I would like to have a map of the office location, and photos of the front of the office, the staff (me at the moment) and picture of law themed items and featuring the Hallam Legal logo.
The areas of law which Hallam Legal practises in are as follows:
commercial law
business sale and purchases
conveyancing and property law
wills and estates
powers of attorney
general legal advice
succession planning
Fonts Styles to Use
Sans Serif
Number of Pages Required
2 page
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Project Deadline Extended Reason: changes made to brief Added Monday, October 26, 2015
Project Deadline Extended
Reason: I have not had the opportunity to properly assess the designs and provide constructive feedback. I apologise for the inconvenience caused by my delay in providing feedback. Tim H.
Added Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Target Market(s)
Potential and existing clients of the firm Other law firms Associated stakeholders, i.e. Banks and real estate agents
Look and Feel
Each slider illustrates characteristics of the customer's brand and the style your design should communicate.
Colors selected by the customer to be used in the design:
Must Have:
- Hallam Legal logo
- Map of the office location
- Picture of Tim Hallam (principal solicitor)
- Picture of the office
- Areas of Practice
- Address of office
- email address:
- Physical address: 44 Gray Street, Hamilton VIC 3300
- Phone number: (03) 5571 2222
- Facsimile number: (03) 5571 2560
- Space for a brief description of the firm and its competitive advantage
- Law Institute Logo
- Links to the Law Institute of Victoria
- Link to the legal services Board
Nice to Have:
- coded to wordpress format